Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hw- for 9/19/09- Deveoping countries and developed countries.

The developed country I picked was Germany and the developing country I picked was Iraq. There are many difference between developing countries and developed countries.

In Germany The life expectancy rate is 79 where in Iraq it is 70.

In Germany the Total Fertility rate is 1.4. In Iraq the Total Fertility Rate in Iraq is 3.9.

The Growth rate of Germany is -0.1 were the Growth rate of Iraq is 2.5.

The mid-year population in Germany is 82,330. The mid-year population in Iraq is 28,946.

The crude birth rate in Iraq is 30. The crude birth rate in Germany is 8.

In Germany the infant morality rate per 1,000 babies is 4. In Iraq the infant morality rate per every 1,000 babies is 45.

The Under 5 morality rate is 5 in Germany. The Under 5 mortality rate is 55 in Iraq.

The crude death rate in Germany is 11. The crude death rate in Iraq is 5.

The deaths in thousands in Germany is 897. The deaths in thousands in Iraq is 149.

The net migration rate in Germany is 2 per every 1,000. The net migration rate in Iraq is 0 per every 1,000.

The net number of migrants in Germany is 180 I thousands. The net number of migrants in Iraq is 0.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- The average number of children that will be borne by women of a hypothetical, yet statistically valid, population, such as that of a specific culture group or within a particular country.

The Rate of Natural Increase are both slow growth in both countries. More babies are born in Iraq then in Germany but mortality rate in Germany is 5 when the mortality rate in Iraq is 55. The number of migrants into Germany is 180 and the number of migrants into Iraq is 0. The life expectancy in Germany is 79 when it is 70 in Iraq. That is why the Rate of Natural Increase is slow in both countries right now.

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