Monday, November 30, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/30/09
Today we had a three mod class. During these three mod’s we got with our partner and worked on our research report. Pete and I got a lot done. Our topic is Latin American Soccer. That is what we did in class today.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/24/09
Today in class we met in the Brown Room and we had a Latin American Thanksgiving. This was a lot of fun and there was a lot of very good food there. I made guacomole and home made tortilla chips. My favorite thing that anyone made was Pete's cookies. Those were extremely good. I really enjoyed this and I hope we can do this some other times this year.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 11/20/09
Today in class we discussed the Research Report and the Latino Thanksgiving that we will be having this tuesday. After we were done asking Mr. Schick questions about the report and Thanksgiving we began to pick who we are going to work with and what our topic is going to be. My partner is Pete and our topic is Latin American Soccer. Me and Pete chose this topic because him and I have been playing soccer our whole lives and we were on the same soccer team this year. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 11/18/09
Today in class we found out that we will be doing a research paper on a topic in Latin America. We have to choice what our topic is going to be before Thanksgiving break. We get to choice a partner that we want to work on this with. We also found out that this Tuesay we will be having a Latin American Thanksgiving. Each member of our class has to bring in an authentic Latin American meal if we want twenty points. I am really looking forward to this. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/17/09
Today in class we took a test on the five themes of human geography. I thought that I did well on this test. I found some parts of the test hard and others easy. We took this test on a scantron. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, November 16, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/16/09
Today in class we did a review on the five themes of human geography. We went over a powerpoint that had a lot of information about the five themes of human geography. I took a whole lot of notes on this. Tomorrow we have a test on this so tonight I have to study a lot. That is what we did in class today.
Notes from class today-11/16/09
The North America region is The United Stated and Canada.
335 million people live in this region.
It is economically diverse, climate diverse, and culturally diverse.
This region is rich in natural resources.
We are Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower. (U. S.)
North Americans have transformed the land of this region. This is the first theme of geography (Environmental Geography).
Wheat, cattle, horses are not native, but introduced.
The US is the third largest consumer of water.
China is #1 and India is #2.
US city dwellers consume 175 gallons of water daily.
We use water for many different purposes.
Water quality, scarcity is becoming a problem.
Air modification other known as pollution.
The sources that cause air modification are industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Types are carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons.
Acid rain:
Formed when sulfur dioxide and nitroen oxide get into the water system.
Damaged forests, poisons lakes, kills fish, erodes stonework
Population and Settlement:
in 1492 Columus sailed the ocean blue.
Before that, native people live in the Americas.
3.2 million people in US and 1.2 million in Canada.
In 1491, New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus says 90 to 112 million people.
95% of the people died after Europeans arrived. They died becuase of warfare and disease, and especially smallpox.
Stage one- the Europeans settled on the ciast of Noeth america.
Stage two- settlers surged across the Appalachian Mountains.
Stage three- the move continues to the Great Plins, Utah, Oregon, and California.
This is one of the largest and most rapid human transformations of the landscape in history.
The megalopolis stretches from boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
There are well over40 people living there which includes us.
There is a Westard movement in migration.
Texas, Arizona, Nevada offer high-tech jons, cool recreation, great scenary.
Expansions mean that there needs to be more himes, subdivisions, malls, retirement complexes, and schools. This shows that when there are more people there needs to be more things for people to do and live in. This also causes increased demand on rapidly decreasing water supplies.
After the Civil War, the freed slaves still worked as sharecroppers.
Fewer farming jobs sent blacks north to the cities.
Another migration pattern is Rural to- Urban Migration.
People in the country move to the city because of better job oppurtunities.
200 years ago the population was 5% urban.
The growth of the sun belt was another reason why people migrated.
These people migrated south.
After 1970, southern states grew quickly.
They moved here becuse of job oppurtunities and retirement possibilities.
Another migration pattern is leaaving large cities for small towns or rural areas.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity:
North America has a huge range of different people.
Immigrants from other countries have been arriving for 400 years.
From 1880-1930, there was a huge wave of immigrants that came here mostly from Europe.
In 1910, 14% of the US was foreign born.
Since the year 1970 more big numbers of people migrated here, mostly from Latin America and Asia.
The US is currently the fifth largest Spanish specaking nation.
Mexico is 1, spain 2, Columbia 3, Argentina 4, America5.
Geopolitical Framework:
The US and Canada have a really unique relationship.
We share a border that is 5,525 miles long.
The US was formed by breaking violently from Great Britain.
Some of the conflicts About Geoplotical Frameowrk are.
How many immigrants should be allowed into the country.
How do we tighten up on the illegal flow of Mexican Immigrants?
Some of Canada's conflicts are conflicts between Anglo and French populations, especially in Quebec.
There are tensions between the US and Canada about who gets the salmon there.
These disagreements are not extreme.
Economic and Social Developements:
This region is the world's most powerful economy and the most affluent population.
we have tons on goods such as corn and other goods.
We also have a large ammount of poor people in this region. In the US the poverty rate is 13% and in Canada 18%
Most poor people live in Central city locations.
335 million people live in this region.
It is economically diverse, climate diverse, and culturally diverse.
This region is rich in natural resources.
We are Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower. (U. S.)
North Americans have transformed the land of this region. This is the first theme of geography (Environmental Geography).
Wheat, cattle, horses are not native, but introduced.
The US is the third largest consumer of water.
China is #1 and India is #2.
US city dwellers consume 175 gallons of water daily.
We use water for many different purposes.
Water quality, scarcity is becoming a problem.
Air modification other known as pollution.
The sources that cause air modification are industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Types are carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons.
Acid rain:
Formed when sulfur dioxide and nitroen oxide get into the water system.
Damaged forests, poisons lakes, kills fish, erodes stonework
Population and Settlement:
in 1492 Columus sailed the ocean blue.
Before that, native people live in the Americas.
3.2 million people in US and 1.2 million in Canada.
In 1491, New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus says 90 to 112 million people.
95% of the people died after Europeans arrived. They died becuase of warfare and disease, and especially smallpox.
Stage one- the Europeans settled on the ciast of Noeth america.
Stage two- settlers surged across the Appalachian Mountains.
Stage three- the move continues to the Great Plins, Utah, Oregon, and California.
This is one of the largest and most rapid human transformations of the landscape in history.
The megalopolis stretches from boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
There are well over40 people living there which includes us.
There is a Westard movement in migration.
Texas, Arizona, Nevada offer high-tech jons, cool recreation, great scenary.
Expansions mean that there needs to be more himes, subdivisions, malls, retirement complexes, and schools. This shows that when there are more people there needs to be more things for people to do and live in. This also causes increased demand on rapidly decreasing water supplies.
After the Civil War, the freed slaves still worked as sharecroppers.
Fewer farming jobs sent blacks north to the cities.
Another migration pattern is Rural to- Urban Migration.
People in the country move to the city because of better job oppurtunities.
200 years ago the population was 5% urban.
The growth of the sun belt was another reason why people migrated.
These people migrated south.
After 1970, southern states grew quickly.
They moved here becuse of job oppurtunities and retirement possibilities.
Another migration pattern is leaaving large cities for small towns or rural areas.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity:
North America has a huge range of different people.
Immigrants from other countries have been arriving for 400 years.
From 1880-1930, there was a huge wave of immigrants that came here mostly from Europe.
In 1910, 14% of the US was foreign born.
Since the year 1970 more big numbers of people migrated here, mostly from Latin America and Asia.
The US is currently the fifth largest Spanish specaking nation.
Mexico is 1, spain 2, Columbia 3, Argentina 4, America5.
Geopolitical Framework:
The US and Canada have a really unique relationship.
We share a border that is 5,525 miles long.
The US was formed by breaking violently from Great Britain.
Some of the conflicts About Geoplotical Frameowrk are.
How many immigrants should be allowed into the country.
How do we tighten up on the illegal flow of Mexican Immigrants?
Some of Canada's conflicts are conflicts between Anglo and French populations, especially in Quebec.
There are tensions between the US and Canada about who gets the salmon there.
These disagreements are not extreme.
Economic and Social Developements:
This region is the world's most powerful economy and the most affluent population.
we have tons on goods such as corn and other goods.
We also have a large ammount of poor people in this region. In the US the poverty rate is 13% and in Canada 18%
Most poor people live in Central city locations.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 11/13/09
Today in class we got in groups of four and made questions for Mr. Schick. These questions could possible be on the test this Tuesday. This was an extremely productive class. My group made fifteen questions total. Mr. Schick was not in class today. That is what we did in class today.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Questions for Test- Adam Isennock, Peter Wenger, Connor McDermott, Paul Dykstra. 11/13/09
1. How many people live in the North American Region? 335 million people
2. Give one of the three stages of population and settlement? Settlers surge against the Appalachian Mountains.
3. Where does the megalopolis stretch from? Boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
4. In the year 2008 what percent of North America was urban? 82%
5. 200 years ago what percent of North America was urban? 5%
6. What was the poverty rate in The US in 2007? 13%
7. In 2007 what was the poverty rate in Canada? 18%
8. How many years has immigrants have been arriving into North America for? 400 years.
9. What number is the Unites States ranked for the top Spanish speaking nations? 5th
10. How many miles do America and Canada share along the border? 5,525
11. What countries do we import a lot of oil from? Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Africa.
12. True or false does this region have the world’s most powerful economy? True.
13. Name one theme out of the five themes of human geography? Population and Settlement.
14. True or false, is North America the last remaining global superpower? True
15. What are the main sources that contribute to air modification? Industries, utilities, and automobiles.
2. Give one of the three stages of population and settlement? Settlers surge against the Appalachian Mountains.
3. Where does the megalopolis stretch from? Boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
4. In the year 2008 what percent of North America was urban? 82%
5. 200 years ago what percent of North America was urban? 5%
6. What was the poverty rate in The US in 2007? 13%
7. In 2007 what was the poverty rate in Canada? 18%
8. How many years has immigrants have been arriving into North America for? 400 years.
9. What number is the Unites States ranked for the top Spanish speaking nations? 5th
10. How many miles do America and Canada share along the border? 5,525
11. What countries do we import a lot of oil from? Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Africa.
12. True or false does this region have the world’s most powerful economy? True.
13. Name one theme out of the five themes of human geography? Population and Settlement.
14. True or false, is North America the last remaining global superpower? True
15. What are the main sources that contribute to air modification? Industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Notes and what we did in class today. 11/11/09
Today in class we finished up presenting the essays of the five themes of geography. we alos went over a powerpoint on what we are learning right now. The five themes of human geography are Environmetal Geography, Population and Settlement, Culural Coherence and Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic and Social developement. All five of these themes relate to how North America was shaped and formed. Environmental Geography has to do with the global climate change in North America. Population and Settlement relates to North America by it shows hows cities expand and how the population becomes larger. Cultural Coherence and Diversity relates to North America by it talks about how we are a diverse region, and it also talks about immigration. Geoploitical Framework relates to North America by it talks about how it shapes the poiltical geography's with in the region. Economic and Social Developement has to do with North America by it plays a big role in economic globilization. That is what we did in class today.
North America is Culurally diverse, rich in natural resources, Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower.
North America is Culurally diverse, rich in natural resources, Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What we did in class today. 11/10/09
Today in class we went over the assignment that we did this weekend. Mr. Schick called on us and we had to summarize what we wrote up. Many people used different themes of geography in there essays. I found the most interesting theme population and settlement because we got to learn about why there are so many people in North America. I also learned a lot about immigration when we did this. Our population has a lot to do with immigration because a large amount of our population is immigrants. That is what we did in class today.
Notes from class today- 11/10/09
Environmental georaphy has a big affect on our land. It plays a big affect on peoples jobs and how they are set up. It deals with the environment and where it is located.
Population settlement. in North America there is a diverse population. There are 335 million people in North America. North america is The United States and Canada. Agriculture played a big part on North America's settlement. People came into North America from Europe early on.
The majority of North America used to be farmland. The Europeans moved West to states like Maryland. People went North because there was industrilization. We are a very mobal nation and people have been moving all across the nation bacuase of there job and better jod oppurtunities.
There are many different forest and land areas in different regions. we are an environmentally diverse nation.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity. There are five stages to this that show the immigration and where the people come from. we come from all different places across the world.
Globilization has formed the climate soil and other things of North America. There are three thingd that were introduced to America from the europeans are cattle, horses, and wheat.
Geopolitical Framework. This deals with countries interacting with other countries. Canada and The Unites States are considered conitnental neighboors.
Population settlement. in North America there is a diverse population. There are 335 million people in North America. North america is The United States and Canada. Agriculture played a big part on North America's settlement. People came into North America from Europe early on.
The majority of North America used to be farmland. The Europeans moved West to states like Maryland. People went North because there was industrilization. We are a very mobal nation and people have been moving all across the nation bacuase of there job and better jod oppurtunities.
There are many different forest and land areas in different regions. we are an environmentally diverse nation.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity. There are five stages to this that show the immigration and where the people come from. we come from all different places across the world.
Globilization has formed the climate soil and other things of North America. There are three thingd that were introduced to America from the europeans are cattle, horses, and wheat.
Geopolitical Framework. This deals with countries interacting with other countries. Canada and The Unites States are considered conitnental neighboors.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Theme of Geogrpahy Report- Population and Settlement
The theme of geography that I picked was Population and settlement. I chose this theme because I thought that it would be interesting to learn more about how the population of North America is constantly changing and how it affects our lives.
There are more than three hundred and thirty five people living in North America today. The settlement of North America has changed drastically so it has the ability to fill the needs of the people living all across North America. The metropolitan clusters make up most of North America’s population geography. The problem with that is that it produces uneven patterns of settlement all across the region of North America. North America’s population has been increasing at a high rate since the beginning of European colonization. There are many foreign immigrants that are coming into North America today which is also raising the population. There are currently more than forty three million foreign-born immigrants living in North America. After World War two the birthrates in North America rose which caused the baby boom generation, which was born between 1946 and 1965. Today the rates of natural increase are below one percent, which means that the overall population is now growing older. The most common migration change in North America is people moving west. By the year 1990 there was more than half of the population of the Unites States that were living west of the Mississippi River. Another migration change is migration taking people from the country into the city. Today 80 percent of North America’s population is urban. Many people move from the country to the city because of better job opportunities in the city.
I found the theme Population and settlement was very interesting. It showed me how the population of North America has shaped today and I now know why there are so many buildings, stores, and other things that we need to live our lives. I feel that I know a lot more about the population of North America now.
There are more than three hundred and thirty five people living in North America today. The settlement of North America has changed drastically so it has the ability to fill the needs of the people living all across North America. The metropolitan clusters make up most of North America’s population geography. The problem with that is that it produces uneven patterns of settlement all across the region of North America. North America’s population has been increasing at a high rate since the beginning of European colonization. There are many foreign immigrants that are coming into North America today which is also raising the population. There are currently more than forty three million foreign-born immigrants living in North America. After World War two the birthrates in North America rose which caused the baby boom generation, which was born between 1946 and 1965. Today the rates of natural increase are below one percent, which means that the overall population is now growing older. The most common migration change in North America is people moving west. By the year 1990 there was more than half of the population of the Unites States that were living west of the Mississippi River. Another migration change is migration taking people from the country into the city. Today 80 percent of North America’s population is urban. Many people move from the country to the city because of better job opportunities in the city.
I found the theme Population and settlement was very interesting. It showed me how the population of North America has shaped today and I now know why there are so many buildings, stores, and other things that we need to live our lives. I feel that I know a lot more about the population of North America now.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 11/4/09
Today in class we took a Test on Global Warming and the video on Hurricane Katrina. There were some parts of this test that I thought were extremely hard while others are easy. I struggled on the last page. I did not finish this test because class ended before I was finished. I hope that I got a good grade on this test. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/3/09
Today in class we finished up presenting our powerpoints on global warming. I felt that these presentations helped me learn more about the debate about global warming. It helped me understand that some information about global warming is true while others is flase and some are just opinions. Most of the debate on global warming is opinion because global warming is to big of topic just to have true and false information. Tomorrow we have a test of global warming and the Hurricane Katrina video that we watched and took notes on a couple of weeks ago. This test is open note but it is not open textbook. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, November 2, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/2/09
Today in class we finished up our powerpoints. After that we put it on your flash drive. I was the first person of the day to present our groups powerpoint. I thought that our group did a good job explaining why we believed that global warming did exist, and we had some facts to support it. The members of my group were me, Pete, Trey, Artie, and Bryan. That is what we did in class today.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 10/30/09
Today in class for the first mod we finished up our powerpoint presentations. In the second mod we went to over the powerpoints. Mr. Schick gave us advice on what we should do next time when we have a powerpoint so it is better and the information is more accurate. That is what we did in class today.
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