Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What we did in class today. 1/6/10
Today in class we continued to go over the questions on the practice exam. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What we did in class today. 1/5/10
Today in class we went over the questions on the practice exam. The practice exam is a very good way to study and Mr. Schick said that many of the questions on the practice exam will be on the real exam. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, January 4, 2010
What we did in class today. 1/4/09
Today we had a three mod class. During these three mods we did many things. We went over what is on our exam. We also did a practice exam for the rest of class after that. The homework for tonight is to study for the exam. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Research project on Sub-Suharan Africa
1. What is the Total Population of each of these nations?
Nigeria- 149,229,090
Ethiopia- 85,237,338
South Africa- 49,052,489
Unites States-307,212,123
2. What is the TFR?
Nigeria- 4.91 children
Ethiopia- 6.12 children
Sudan-4.48 children
Kenya- 4.56 children
South Africa- 2.38 children
United States-2.05 children
3. What is the Crude Birth Rate?
Nigeria- 36.65 births
Ethiopia-43.66 births
Sudan-33.74 births
Kenya- 36.64 births
South Africa- 19.93 births
United States-13.82 births
4. What is the Crude Death Rate?
Nigeria-16.56 deaths
Ethiopia- 11.55 deaths
Sudan- 12.94 deaths
Kenya-9.72 deaths
South Africa- 16.99 deaths
United States-8.38 deaths
5. What is the overall Life Expectancy?
Nigeria-46.94 years
Ethiopia- 55.41 years
Sudan- 51.42 years
Kenya- 57.86 years
South Africa-49.98 years
United States- 78.11 years
6. What is the infant mortality rate?
Nigeria- 94.35 deaths
Ethiopia- 80.8 deaths
Sudan- 82.43 deaths
Kenya- 54.7 deaths
South Africa- 44.42 deaths
United States- 6.26 deaths
7. What is their colonial experience? Who did they gain their independence from, and when?
Nigeria- This was a British colony. Their independence came on October 1, 1960 from the United Kingdom.
Ethiopia- They were not colonized and they are the oldest independent country in Africa. They have had their independence for at least 2,000 years.
Sudan-January 1, 1956 from the United Kingdom and Egypt
Kenya- December 12, 1963 from the United Kingdom.
South Africa- May 31, 1910 from Union of South Africa which was formed from four British colonies. On May 31, 1961 the republic was declared.
United States- July 4, 1776 from Great Britain.
Find and copy a map of each country, along with the country's flag.




South Africa-

United States-

Find and copy a population pyramid for each nation.
South Africa-
United States-
Would you consider each of these nations a developed country or a developing country? Why?
I would consider Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, and South Africa all developing countries because in all of these countries there are many people born but there are many deaths at young ages. As you can see on the population pyramid in all of these countries at the bottom of the pyramid it is very long and at the top it is very small. So it is shaped like a Hersey’s kiss. This symbolizes that there are so many people being born but so many people dying at a young age and little people living to the age of fifty or above. The United States is a developed country because they are a lot of people that live to be older and a small amount of people are dying at a young age. The USA population pyramid is wide in the middle, the bottom, and top, this shows that people in the USA live to be all different ages.
Nigeria- 149,229,090
Ethiopia- 85,237,338
South Africa- 49,052,489
Unites States-307,212,123
2. What is the TFR?
Nigeria- 4.91 children
Ethiopia- 6.12 children
Sudan-4.48 children
Kenya- 4.56 children
South Africa- 2.38 children
United States-2.05 children
3. What is the Crude Birth Rate?
Nigeria- 36.65 births
Ethiopia-43.66 births
Sudan-33.74 births
Kenya- 36.64 births
South Africa- 19.93 births
United States-13.82 births
4. What is the Crude Death Rate?
Nigeria-16.56 deaths
Ethiopia- 11.55 deaths
Sudan- 12.94 deaths
Kenya-9.72 deaths
South Africa- 16.99 deaths
United States-8.38 deaths
5. What is the overall Life Expectancy?
Nigeria-46.94 years
Ethiopia- 55.41 years
Sudan- 51.42 years
Kenya- 57.86 years
South Africa-49.98 years
United States- 78.11 years
6. What is the infant mortality rate?
Nigeria- 94.35 deaths
Ethiopia- 80.8 deaths
Sudan- 82.43 deaths
Kenya- 54.7 deaths
South Africa- 44.42 deaths
United States- 6.26 deaths
7. What is their colonial experience? Who did they gain their independence from, and when?
Nigeria- This was a British colony. Their independence came on October 1, 1960 from the United Kingdom.
Ethiopia- They were not colonized and they are the oldest independent country in Africa. They have had their independence for at least 2,000 years.
Sudan-January 1, 1956 from the United Kingdom and Egypt
Kenya- December 12, 1963 from the United Kingdom.
South Africa- May 31, 1910 from Union of South Africa which was formed from four British colonies. On May 31, 1961 the republic was declared.
United States- July 4, 1776 from Great Britain.
Find and copy a map of each country, along with the country's flag.




South Africa-

United States-

Find and copy a population pyramid for each nation.




South Africa-

United States-

Would you consider each of these nations a developed country or a developing country? Why?
I would consider Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, and South Africa all developing countries because in all of these countries there are many people born but there are many deaths at young ages. As you can see on the population pyramid in all of these countries at the bottom of the pyramid it is very long and at the top it is very small. So it is shaped like a Hersey’s kiss. This symbolizes that there are so many people being born but so many people dying at a young age and little people living to the age of fifty or above. The United States is a developed country because they are a lot of people that live to be older and a small amount of people are dying at a young age. The USA population pyramid is wide in the middle, the bottom, and top, this shows that people in the USA live to be all different ages.
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 12/16/09
Today in class we continued to work on the Sub-Suharan research project. I got a lot of work done and I just have a little left to do for homework tonight. Jordan also brought in cookies and candy canes. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 12/15/09
Today in class we began to work on an activity where we had to research countries on The CIA Factbook. This assignment is due on Friday. Our Research Report is due at the beginning of class tomorrow. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, December 14, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 12/14/09
Today in class we had a three mod class. For the first mod we studied for our test on the movie we watched in class. During the second mod we took the test. The third mod Mr. Schick answered questions that we had on the research report. The research report is due on Wednesday. That is what we did in class today.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 12/11/09
Today in class we worked on our research paper. For those who remembered to print out there research paper they got to edit there research report. For those that forgot they just continued to write it. The Research Repot is due this Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Questions for the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us". 12/9/09
1. What Academy Award winning actress narrates the documentary?
Nicole Kidman
2. In what countries does the film take place?
Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, America
3. List the main characters of the film.
Panther Bior, Daniel Abol Pach, John Bul,
4. Define refugee. A refugee is someone who flees a country or place do to hard times such as persecution or war.
5. Define IDP.
IDP is a Internationally displaced person.
6. The film centers around a group of boys. What are they called?
The group is called "The Dinkas".
7. Track the movement of the boys after they leave their homes in their original country (the answer to number 2).
Sudan, then to a refugee camp in Ethiopia, then to a refugee camp in Kenya, there is a refugee camp in Kenya called Kakuma, then to America. Daniel and Panther are going to Pittsburg, and John bul is in Syracuse New York,
8. What are some major differences between the lives of the boys and your own life, specifically when they are living in the refugee camps?
The life of the boys in this movie and my own life are very different especially when the boys are in the refugee camp. At the refugee camp the boys are very limited to what they do. In my life we live in a free country. There is a very small amount of food in the refugee camp in Kenya. Almost all of the people there are extremely skinny and to the point where they are almost starving. In my life I can just simply go to the grocery store to get food. The kids also have huge responsibilities. John Bul used an example when he said that when he was at the age of thirteen his job was to bury peoples bodies. This was a job that no one in America would ever experience. Those are some major differences between the lives of the boys and my own life.
9. What are some of the difficulties that they boys must deal with when they arrive in the United States? How are their lives different in the United States in comparison to their home countries?
Some of the difficulties that the boys must deal with when they arrive in the United States are they are not use to the culture in America. They do not know how to use electricity because they did not have electricity there and they have other struggles such as how to make food. There lives in the United States is different in comparison to their home countries because in there home countries the people do everything together and everyone there was extremely friendly and always welcoming and willing to help. Where in America John Bul says that if you go to someone's door to ask for help or ask them a question they will call the police. In America people are also not always together. People are independent in America where they can get there own jobs. Those are the differences in the lives of people in the united States in comparison to countries such as Kenya.
10. Answer the following question only after you conclude the viewing of the film:
The title of the film, "God Grew Tired of Us", seems to be somewhat ironic after hearing the account of the boys first hand. Explain why the title is ironic using specific examples from the film. Do the boys really believe that God had abandoned them? Or is their faith stronger than ever? Why? Give examples.
The title of this movie "God Grew Tired Of Us" is ironic to this film because when the boys were living in Africa they had so many struggles. Some of the struggles that the people from Africa had in this film are many people are starving there and their is a war in their home country which is Sudan, and many people have been separated from their families. I do not believe that these boys felt that God actually did abandon them, I just think that they felt sorrow for themselves because of there difficulties in there home countries. I believe that there faith actually is stronger now because it truly does show that God cares for them. At the end of the story it said that John Bul and Panther both met up with members of there families which I think made there faith stronger.
Nicole Kidman
2. In what countries does the film take place?
Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, America
3. List the main characters of the film.
Panther Bior, Daniel Abol Pach, John Bul,
4. Define refugee. A refugee is someone who flees a country or place do to hard times such as persecution or war.
5. Define IDP.
IDP is a Internationally displaced person.
6. The film centers around a group of boys. What are they called?
The group is called "The Dinkas".
7. Track the movement of the boys after they leave their homes in their original country (the answer to number 2).
Sudan, then to a refugee camp in Ethiopia, then to a refugee camp in Kenya, there is a refugee camp in Kenya called Kakuma, then to America. Daniel and Panther are going to Pittsburg, and John bul is in Syracuse New York,
8. What are some major differences between the lives of the boys and your own life, specifically when they are living in the refugee camps?
The life of the boys in this movie and my own life are very different especially when the boys are in the refugee camp. At the refugee camp the boys are very limited to what they do. In my life we live in a free country. There is a very small amount of food in the refugee camp in Kenya. Almost all of the people there are extremely skinny and to the point where they are almost starving. In my life I can just simply go to the grocery store to get food. The kids also have huge responsibilities. John Bul used an example when he said that when he was at the age of thirteen his job was to bury peoples bodies. This was a job that no one in America would ever experience. Those are some major differences between the lives of the boys and my own life.
9. What are some of the difficulties that they boys must deal with when they arrive in the United States? How are their lives different in the United States in comparison to their home countries?
Some of the difficulties that the boys must deal with when they arrive in the United States are they are not use to the culture in America. They do not know how to use electricity because they did not have electricity there and they have other struggles such as how to make food. There lives in the United States is different in comparison to their home countries because in there home countries the people do everything together and everyone there was extremely friendly and always welcoming and willing to help. Where in America John Bul says that if you go to someone's door to ask for help or ask them a question they will call the police. In America people are also not always together. People are independent in America where they can get there own jobs. Those are the differences in the lives of people in the united States in comparison to countries such as Kenya.
10. Answer the following question only after you conclude the viewing of the film:
The title of the film, "God Grew Tired of Us", seems to be somewhat ironic after hearing the account of the boys first hand. Explain why the title is ironic using specific examples from the film. Do the boys really believe that God had abandoned them? Or is their faith stronger than ever? Why? Give examples.
The title of this movie "God Grew Tired Of Us" is ironic to this film because when the boys were living in Africa they had so many struggles. Some of the struggles that the people from Africa had in this film are many people are starving there and their is a war in their home country which is Sudan, and many people have been separated from their families. I do not believe that these boys felt that God actually did abandon them, I just think that they felt sorrow for themselves because of there difficulties in there home countries. I believe that there faith actually is stronger now because it truly does show that God cares for them. At the end of the story it said that John Bul and Panther both met up with members of there families which I think made there faith stronger.
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 12/9/09
Today in class we finsished watching the movie that we have been watching in class. I really enjoyed this movie and I could watch it again and again. I think I am going to rent it from the library and show it to my parents. I truly learned a lot from this video. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 12/8/09
Today in class we watched more of the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us." I love this movie and it really gives me a true understanding of what Is happening in countries in Africa and all poor countries across the world. This movie also shows that we all need to help people in poor countries because they truly ar people just like us. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, December 7, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 12/7/09
Today we had a three mod class. During these three mods we watched a movie called "God Grew Tired of Us." I really enjoyed this movie. This was about a group of people from Sudan that came over to America. They lived in a very rough time in Sudan. The people that left the other people felt very sad to see that they may never see them again. That part of the movie was very sad. I really enjoyed this movie and I can't wait to watch more tomorrow.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 12/4/09
Today in class we reviewed and read Pgs 224-226. These pages were about Sub-Suharan Afica. After we did this we had a short 10 point quiz on these pages. This weekend for homework we have to continue and work on our research report. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 12/2/09
Today in class we filled in a map of Sub- Suharan Africa. We had to label the countries, the rivers, the oceans around it, and the deserts. We also had to color in this map. This map will be very useful to study from when we have a quiz on this. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 12/1/09
Today in class we continued to work on our research report. At the beginning of class Mr. Schick told us about some websites on his blog that we should try to get information on our topic from. Our research report is due on December 16, 2009. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, November 30, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/30/09
Today we had a three mod class. During these three mod’s we got with our partner and worked on our research report. Pete and I got a lot done. Our topic is Latin American Soccer. That is what we did in class today.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/24/09
Today in class we met in the Brown Room and we had a Latin American Thanksgiving. This was a lot of fun and there was a lot of very good food there. I made guacomole and home made tortilla chips. My favorite thing that anyone made was Pete's cookies. Those were extremely good. I really enjoyed this and I hope we can do this some other times this year.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 11/20/09
Today in class we discussed the Research Report and the Latino Thanksgiving that we will be having this tuesday. After we were done asking Mr. Schick questions about the report and Thanksgiving we began to pick who we are going to work with and what our topic is going to be. My partner is Pete and our topic is Latin American Soccer. Me and Pete chose this topic because him and I have been playing soccer our whole lives and we were on the same soccer team this year. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 11/18/09
Today in class we found out that we will be doing a research paper on a topic in Latin America. We have to choice what our topic is going to be before Thanksgiving break. We get to choice a partner that we want to work on this with. We also found out that this Tuesay we will be having a Latin American Thanksgiving. Each member of our class has to bring in an authentic Latin American meal if we want twenty points. I am really looking forward to this. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/17/09
Today in class we took a test on the five themes of human geography. I thought that I did well on this test. I found some parts of the test hard and others easy. We took this test on a scantron. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, November 16, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/16/09
Today in class we did a review on the five themes of human geography. We went over a powerpoint that had a lot of information about the five themes of human geography. I took a whole lot of notes on this. Tomorrow we have a test on this so tonight I have to study a lot. That is what we did in class today.
Notes from class today-11/16/09
The North America region is The United Stated and Canada.
335 million people live in this region.
It is economically diverse, climate diverse, and culturally diverse.
This region is rich in natural resources.
We are Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower. (U. S.)
North Americans have transformed the land of this region. This is the first theme of geography (Environmental Geography).
Wheat, cattle, horses are not native, but introduced.
The US is the third largest consumer of water.
China is #1 and India is #2.
US city dwellers consume 175 gallons of water daily.
We use water for many different purposes.
Water quality, scarcity is becoming a problem.
Air modification other known as pollution.
The sources that cause air modification are industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Types are carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons.
Acid rain:
Formed when sulfur dioxide and nitroen oxide get into the water system.
Damaged forests, poisons lakes, kills fish, erodes stonework
Population and Settlement:
in 1492 Columus sailed the ocean blue.
Before that, native people live in the Americas.
3.2 million people in US and 1.2 million in Canada.
In 1491, New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus says 90 to 112 million people.
95% of the people died after Europeans arrived. They died becuase of warfare and disease, and especially smallpox.
Stage one- the Europeans settled on the ciast of Noeth america.
Stage two- settlers surged across the Appalachian Mountains.
Stage three- the move continues to the Great Plins, Utah, Oregon, and California.
This is one of the largest and most rapid human transformations of the landscape in history.
The megalopolis stretches from boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
There are well over40 people living there which includes us.
There is a Westard movement in migration.
Texas, Arizona, Nevada offer high-tech jons, cool recreation, great scenary.
Expansions mean that there needs to be more himes, subdivisions, malls, retirement complexes, and schools. This shows that when there are more people there needs to be more things for people to do and live in. This also causes increased demand on rapidly decreasing water supplies.
After the Civil War, the freed slaves still worked as sharecroppers.
Fewer farming jobs sent blacks north to the cities.
Another migration pattern is Rural to- Urban Migration.
People in the country move to the city because of better job oppurtunities.
200 years ago the population was 5% urban.
The growth of the sun belt was another reason why people migrated.
These people migrated south.
After 1970, southern states grew quickly.
They moved here becuse of job oppurtunities and retirement possibilities.
Another migration pattern is leaaving large cities for small towns or rural areas.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity:
North America has a huge range of different people.
Immigrants from other countries have been arriving for 400 years.
From 1880-1930, there was a huge wave of immigrants that came here mostly from Europe.
In 1910, 14% of the US was foreign born.
Since the year 1970 more big numbers of people migrated here, mostly from Latin America and Asia.
The US is currently the fifth largest Spanish specaking nation.
Mexico is 1, spain 2, Columbia 3, Argentina 4, America5.
Geopolitical Framework:
The US and Canada have a really unique relationship.
We share a border that is 5,525 miles long.
The US was formed by breaking violently from Great Britain.
Some of the conflicts About Geoplotical Frameowrk are.
How many immigrants should be allowed into the country.
How do we tighten up on the illegal flow of Mexican Immigrants?
Some of Canada's conflicts are conflicts between Anglo and French populations, especially in Quebec.
There are tensions between the US and Canada about who gets the salmon there.
These disagreements are not extreme.
Economic and Social Developements:
This region is the world's most powerful economy and the most affluent population.
we have tons on goods such as corn and other goods.
We also have a large ammount of poor people in this region. In the US the poverty rate is 13% and in Canada 18%
Most poor people live in Central city locations.
335 million people live in this region.
It is economically diverse, climate diverse, and culturally diverse.
This region is rich in natural resources.
We are Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower. (U. S.)
North Americans have transformed the land of this region. This is the first theme of geography (Environmental Geography).
Wheat, cattle, horses are not native, but introduced.
The US is the third largest consumer of water.
China is #1 and India is #2.
US city dwellers consume 175 gallons of water daily.
We use water for many different purposes.
Water quality, scarcity is becoming a problem.
Air modification other known as pollution.
The sources that cause air modification are industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Types are carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons.
Acid rain:
Formed when sulfur dioxide and nitroen oxide get into the water system.
Damaged forests, poisons lakes, kills fish, erodes stonework
Population and Settlement:
in 1492 Columus sailed the ocean blue.
Before that, native people live in the Americas.
3.2 million people in US and 1.2 million in Canada.
In 1491, New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus says 90 to 112 million people.
95% of the people died after Europeans arrived. They died becuase of warfare and disease, and especially smallpox.
Stage one- the Europeans settled on the ciast of Noeth america.
Stage two- settlers surged across the Appalachian Mountains.
Stage three- the move continues to the Great Plins, Utah, Oregon, and California.
This is one of the largest and most rapid human transformations of the landscape in history.
The megalopolis stretches from boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
There are well over40 people living there which includes us.
There is a Westard movement in migration.
Texas, Arizona, Nevada offer high-tech jons, cool recreation, great scenary.
Expansions mean that there needs to be more himes, subdivisions, malls, retirement complexes, and schools. This shows that when there are more people there needs to be more things for people to do and live in. This also causes increased demand on rapidly decreasing water supplies.
After the Civil War, the freed slaves still worked as sharecroppers.
Fewer farming jobs sent blacks north to the cities.
Another migration pattern is Rural to- Urban Migration.
People in the country move to the city because of better job oppurtunities.
200 years ago the population was 5% urban.
The growth of the sun belt was another reason why people migrated.
These people migrated south.
After 1970, southern states grew quickly.
They moved here becuse of job oppurtunities and retirement possibilities.
Another migration pattern is leaaving large cities for small towns or rural areas.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity:
North America has a huge range of different people.
Immigrants from other countries have been arriving for 400 years.
From 1880-1930, there was a huge wave of immigrants that came here mostly from Europe.
In 1910, 14% of the US was foreign born.
Since the year 1970 more big numbers of people migrated here, mostly from Latin America and Asia.
The US is currently the fifth largest Spanish specaking nation.
Mexico is 1, spain 2, Columbia 3, Argentina 4, America5.
Geopolitical Framework:
The US and Canada have a really unique relationship.
We share a border that is 5,525 miles long.
The US was formed by breaking violently from Great Britain.
Some of the conflicts About Geoplotical Frameowrk are.
How many immigrants should be allowed into the country.
How do we tighten up on the illegal flow of Mexican Immigrants?
Some of Canada's conflicts are conflicts between Anglo and French populations, especially in Quebec.
There are tensions between the US and Canada about who gets the salmon there.
These disagreements are not extreme.
Economic and Social Developements:
This region is the world's most powerful economy and the most affluent population.
we have tons on goods such as corn and other goods.
We also have a large ammount of poor people in this region. In the US the poverty rate is 13% and in Canada 18%
Most poor people live in Central city locations.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 11/13/09
Today in class we got in groups of four and made questions for Mr. Schick. These questions could possible be on the test this Tuesday. This was an extremely productive class. My group made fifteen questions total. Mr. Schick was not in class today. That is what we did in class today.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Questions for Test- Adam Isennock, Peter Wenger, Connor McDermott, Paul Dykstra. 11/13/09
1. How many people live in the North American Region? 335 million people
2. Give one of the three stages of population and settlement? Settlers surge against the Appalachian Mountains.
3. Where does the megalopolis stretch from? Boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
4. In the year 2008 what percent of North America was urban? 82%
5. 200 years ago what percent of North America was urban? 5%
6. What was the poverty rate in The US in 2007? 13%
7. In 2007 what was the poverty rate in Canada? 18%
8. How many years has immigrants have been arriving into North America for? 400 years.
9. What number is the Unites States ranked for the top Spanish speaking nations? 5th
10. How many miles do America and Canada share along the border? 5,525
11. What countries do we import a lot of oil from? Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Africa.
12. True or false does this region have the world’s most powerful economy? True.
13. Name one theme out of the five themes of human geography? Population and Settlement.
14. True or false, is North America the last remaining global superpower? True
15. What are the main sources that contribute to air modification? Industries, utilities, and automobiles.
2. Give one of the three stages of population and settlement? Settlers surge against the Appalachian Mountains.
3. Where does the megalopolis stretch from? Boston to NYC to Philly to Baltimore to Washington DC.
4. In the year 2008 what percent of North America was urban? 82%
5. 200 years ago what percent of North America was urban? 5%
6. What was the poverty rate in The US in 2007? 13%
7. In 2007 what was the poverty rate in Canada? 18%
8. How many years has immigrants have been arriving into North America for? 400 years.
9. What number is the Unites States ranked for the top Spanish speaking nations? 5th
10. How many miles do America and Canada share along the border? 5,525
11. What countries do we import a lot of oil from? Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Africa.
12. True or false does this region have the world’s most powerful economy? True.
13. Name one theme out of the five themes of human geography? Population and Settlement.
14. True or false, is North America the last remaining global superpower? True
15. What are the main sources that contribute to air modification? Industries, utilities, and automobiles.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Notes and what we did in class today. 11/11/09
Today in class we finished up presenting the essays of the five themes of geography. we alos went over a powerpoint on what we are learning right now. The five themes of human geography are Environmetal Geography, Population and Settlement, Culural Coherence and Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic and Social developement. All five of these themes relate to how North America was shaped and formed. Environmental Geography has to do with the global climate change in North America. Population and Settlement relates to North America by it shows hows cities expand and how the population becomes larger. Cultural Coherence and Diversity relates to North America by it talks about how we are a diverse region, and it also talks about immigration. Geoploitical Framework relates to North America by it talks about how it shapes the poiltical geography's with in the region. Economic and Social Developement has to do with North America by it plays a big role in economic globilization. That is what we did in class today.
North America is Culurally diverse, rich in natural resources, Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower.
North America is Culurally diverse, rich in natural resources, Ultra -globalized.
We are the last remaining global superpower.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What we did in class today. 11/10/09
Today in class we went over the assignment that we did this weekend. Mr. Schick called on us and we had to summarize what we wrote up. Many people used different themes of geography in there essays. I found the most interesting theme population and settlement because we got to learn about why there are so many people in North America. I also learned a lot about immigration when we did this. Our population has a lot to do with immigration because a large amount of our population is immigrants. That is what we did in class today.
Notes from class today- 11/10/09
Environmental georaphy has a big affect on our land. It plays a big affect on peoples jobs and how they are set up. It deals with the environment and where it is located.
Population settlement. in North America there is a diverse population. There are 335 million people in North America. North america is The United States and Canada. Agriculture played a big part on North America's settlement. People came into North America from Europe early on.
The majority of North America used to be farmland. The Europeans moved West to states like Maryland. People went North because there was industrilization. We are a very mobal nation and people have been moving all across the nation bacuase of there job and better jod oppurtunities.
There are many different forest and land areas in different regions. we are an environmentally diverse nation.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity. There are five stages to this that show the immigration and where the people come from. we come from all different places across the world.
Globilization has formed the climate soil and other things of North America. There are three thingd that were introduced to America from the europeans are cattle, horses, and wheat.
Geopolitical Framework. This deals with countries interacting with other countries. Canada and The Unites States are considered conitnental neighboors.
Population settlement. in North America there is a diverse population. There are 335 million people in North America. North america is The United States and Canada. Agriculture played a big part on North America's settlement. People came into North America from Europe early on.
The majority of North America used to be farmland. The Europeans moved West to states like Maryland. People went North because there was industrilization. We are a very mobal nation and people have been moving all across the nation bacuase of there job and better jod oppurtunities.
There are many different forest and land areas in different regions. we are an environmentally diverse nation.
Cultural Coherence and Diversity. There are five stages to this that show the immigration and where the people come from. we come from all different places across the world.
Globilization has formed the climate soil and other things of North America. There are three thingd that were introduced to America from the europeans are cattle, horses, and wheat.
Geopolitical Framework. This deals with countries interacting with other countries. Canada and The Unites States are considered conitnental neighboors.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Theme of Geogrpahy Report- Population and Settlement
The theme of geography that I picked was Population and settlement. I chose this theme because I thought that it would be interesting to learn more about how the population of North America is constantly changing and how it affects our lives.
There are more than three hundred and thirty five people living in North America today. The settlement of North America has changed drastically so it has the ability to fill the needs of the people living all across North America. The metropolitan clusters make up most of North America’s population geography. The problem with that is that it produces uneven patterns of settlement all across the region of North America. North America’s population has been increasing at a high rate since the beginning of European colonization. There are many foreign immigrants that are coming into North America today which is also raising the population. There are currently more than forty three million foreign-born immigrants living in North America. After World War two the birthrates in North America rose which caused the baby boom generation, which was born between 1946 and 1965. Today the rates of natural increase are below one percent, which means that the overall population is now growing older. The most common migration change in North America is people moving west. By the year 1990 there was more than half of the population of the Unites States that were living west of the Mississippi River. Another migration change is migration taking people from the country into the city. Today 80 percent of North America’s population is urban. Many people move from the country to the city because of better job opportunities in the city.
I found the theme Population and settlement was very interesting. It showed me how the population of North America has shaped today and I now know why there are so many buildings, stores, and other things that we need to live our lives. I feel that I know a lot more about the population of North America now.
There are more than three hundred and thirty five people living in North America today. The settlement of North America has changed drastically so it has the ability to fill the needs of the people living all across North America. The metropolitan clusters make up most of North America’s population geography. The problem with that is that it produces uneven patterns of settlement all across the region of North America. North America’s population has been increasing at a high rate since the beginning of European colonization. There are many foreign immigrants that are coming into North America today which is also raising the population. There are currently more than forty three million foreign-born immigrants living in North America. After World War two the birthrates in North America rose which caused the baby boom generation, which was born between 1946 and 1965. Today the rates of natural increase are below one percent, which means that the overall population is now growing older. The most common migration change in North America is people moving west. By the year 1990 there was more than half of the population of the Unites States that were living west of the Mississippi River. Another migration change is migration taking people from the country into the city. Today 80 percent of North America’s population is urban. Many people move from the country to the city because of better job opportunities in the city.
I found the theme Population and settlement was very interesting. It showed me how the population of North America has shaped today and I now know why there are so many buildings, stores, and other things that we need to live our lives. I feel that I know a lot more about the population of North America now.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 11/4/09
Today in class we took a Test on Global Warming and the video on Hurricane Katrina. There were some parts of this test that I thought were extremely hard while others are easy. I struggled on the last page. I did not finish this test because class ended before I was finished. I hope that I got a good grade on this test. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 11/3/09
Today in class we finished up presenting our powerpoints on global warming. I felt that these presentations helped me learn more about the debate about global warming. It helped me understand that some information about global warming is true while others is flase and some are just opinions. Most of the debate on global warming is opinion because global warming is to big of topic just to have true and false information. Tomorrow we have a test of global warming and the Hurricane Katrina video that we watched and took notes on a couple of weeks ago. This test is open note but it is not open textbook. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, November 2, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 11/2/09
Today in class we finished up our powerpoints. After that we put it on your flash drive. I was the first person of the day to present our groups powerpoint. I thought that our group did a good job explaining why we believed that global warming did exist, and we had some facts to support it. The members of my group were me, Pete, Trey, Artie, and Bryan. That is what we did in class today.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 10/30/09
Today in class for the first mod we finished up our powerpoint presentations. In the second mod we went to over the powerpoints. Mr. Schick gave us advice on what we should do next time when we have a powerpoint so it is better and the information is more accurate. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 10/28/09
Today in class we discussed Global Warming. We got in grops of three to five people and we made a powerpoint on why we think that global warming does exist. Some other groups made powerpoints on why they think that global waarming does not exist. Tomorrow in class we will present powerpoints and have a discusion on why some groups think that it does exist while others think that it does not exist. I am looking forward to class tomorrow. That is what we did in class today.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 10/27/09
Today in class we went over the test on globilization. This was very useful becuase now I know all of the answers that I got wrong. I made sure that I got all the right answers becuase at the end of the semester we will have a Exam on everything that we have learned so far this year. The test on globilization will be something very useful for me to study from when the exam comes near. We also went over part of the Guns, Germs, and Steel quiz. That is what we did in class today.
Monday, October 26, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 10/26/09
Today in class we had a class discusion about global warming. This discusion was very interesting and it showed the perspectives of students in our class on global warming. Many of us felt very strongly about global warming while others of us did not really care and did not have a huge opinion on it. I really enjoyed having this discusion because I learned a lot about global warming and how it is effecting our world. At first before I knew all of this information about global warming, I did not really have an opinion on it and I felt that it did not really effect my life. Now that I know more about it I feel as if it does effect my life more and I am gonna pay more attention to it. I now realize all of the effects global warming has on our world and we should be more aware of it. That is what I learned in class today.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Global Warming HW- 10/25/09
Global warming is a huge controversy in the world today and every day we are trying to solve the aspects of what caused it, how we can stop it, and if there really is global warming. Global Warming is an increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. The greennhouse gases has varied in passed years but it has recently been going up. The greenhouse gases going up is a result of burining of fossil fuels with industrialization, becuase of this the Earth's temperature has been going up. The four major greenhouse gases that have a huge part in this change are, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, Methane, and Nitrous oxide. Carbon Dioxide went up mainly because of the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. Chlorofluorocarbons went up because of use of aerosol sprays and refrigeration which have been used world wide. Methane went up becuse of vegetation burning, which is associated with rain forest clearing, anerobic activity in flooded rice fields, cattle and sheep effluent, and leakage of pipelines and refineries which are connected with natural gas productions. Nitrous oxide went up becuase of chemical fertilizers.
The effects of global warming are computer models predict that if countries across the world do not change the emmision of greenhouse gases in the next few years global temperatures will increase 2 to 4 degrees Farenheit by the year 2030. This change in temperature is supposed to double in the year of 2100. This climate change has the potential to cause a huge shift in some major agricultural areas. Food experts are predicting a decrease in the production of grain by the year 2030. The warming of global temperatures will also cause rising sea levels as oceans warm and polar ice sheets and mountain glaciers melt.
There are also many controversies surrounding global warming in our world today. Many poloticians see the need for greenhouse gas controls, others resisted any action for fear that emission controls might stop bussiness, then it would slow down the economy, which will therefore increase the cost of living U.S. citizens. Many peple across the world do not believe that there is global warming. they do not believe that the world is being effected by these changes at all and we should just move on with our life and stop worrying about global warming. Those are some controversies in global warming today.
I got the information from my text book, and
The effects of global warming are computer models predict that if countries across the world do not change the emmision of greenhouse gases in the next few years global temperatures will increase 2 to 4 degrees Farenheit by the year 2030. This change in temperature is supposed to double in the year of 2100. This climate change has the potential to cause a huge shift in some major agricultural areas. Food experts are predicting a decrease in the production of grain by the year 2030. The warming of global temperatures will also cause rising sea levels as oceans warm and polar ice sheets and mountain glaciers melt.
There are also many controversies surrounding global warming in our world today. Many poloticians see the need for greenhouse gas controls, others resisted any action for fear that emission controls might stop bussiness, then it would slow down the economy, which will therefore increase the cost of living U.S. citizens. Many peple across the world do not believe that there is global warming. they do not believe that the world is being effected by these changes at all and we should just move on with our life and stop worrying about global warming. Those are some controversies in global warming today.
I got the information from my text book, and
Friday, October 23, 2009
Notes from class today- 10/23/09
Different places in different worlds have different climates therefore having different food.
People adapt to there climate, geography, and there geographic luck.
The world needs food.
Climate determines what food is grown in a particular area.
Climate links us in our globalized economy.
Meteorologist processes are complicated.
Cultural, economy, and technology determine how people adapt to their climate.
Five main factors influence climate
- Solar energy
- Latitude
- Interaction between land and water
- World pressure systems
- Global wind patterns
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that results in trapping of solar radiation in the lower atmosphere.
Solar energy is essential to human survival.
Without the greenhouse effect the world would be to warm for us to live in.
Lines of latitude are called paralel lines because they are paralel to the equator.
Latitude at the North and South poles are 90 degrees.
There is a build up in heat in the tropics that is given out.
Latitude is the horizontal lines that run east and west on maps but they are measured north and south.
Insulation means that different places have different weather patterns and everything that is affected by the weather is different.
The Earth has uveven heatin.
Latidudal changes is the changing of heat between north and south.
Location plays a huge part in the heat changes.
Cells create there own weather systems.
There are high pressure cells and there are low pressure cells.
The cells produce the world storm systems.
You cant have storm systems withput both high and low pressure cells.
Wind pressure is very important to the study of human geography because wind pressure decides which weather will occur in an area.
The pressure systems cause global wind patterns.
Wind is caused when air flows from high pressure to low pressure.
wind will cause monsoons to create over the Indian Ovean and travel towards India.
The same goes fow hurricane across the Atlantic Ocean.
People adapt to there climate, geography, and there geographic luck.
The world needs food.
Climate determines what food is grown in a particular area.
Climate links us in our globalized economy.
Meteorologist processes are complicated.
Cultural, economy, and technology determine how people adapt to their climate.
Five main factors influence climate
- Solar energy
- Latitude
- Interaction between land and water
- World pressure systems
- Global wind patterns
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that results in trapping of solar radiation in the lower atmosphere.
Solar energy is essential to human survival.
Without the greenhouse effect the world would be to warm for us to live in.
Lines of latitude are called paralel lines because they are paralel to the equator.
Latitude at the North and South poles are 90 degrees.
There is a build up in heat in the tropics that is given out.
Latitude is the horizontal lines that run east and west on maps but they are measured north and south.
Insulation means that different places have different weather patterns and everything that is affected by the weather is different.
The Earth has uveven heatin.
Latidudal changes is the changing of heat between north and south.
Location plays a huge part in the heat changes.
Cells create there own weather systems.
There are high pressure cells and there are low pressure cells.
The cells produce the world storm systems.
You cant have storm systems withput both high and low pressure cells.
Wind pressure is very important to the study of human geography because wind pressure decides which weather will occur in an area.
The pressure systems cause global wind patterns.
Wind is caused when air flows from high pressure to low pressure.
wind will cause monsoons to create over the Indian Ovean and travel towards India.
The same goes fow hurricane across the Atlantic Ocean.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 10/21/09
Today in class we took notes on chapter 2. Chapter 2 is very interesting and it is extremely different than chapter 1. At the end of class we got into groups of three people and we began to work on slides for the powerpoints. We had to do our powerpoints on Land and water. We have to finish this for homework because we did not finish it in class today.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What we did in class today and what i found interesting about the Hurricane Katrina Video- 10/20/09
Today in class we finished up watching the video on Hurricane Katrina. There were so many things that i found interesting in this video. I found the facts such as how many people died and how many houses were damaged very shocking and interesting. It is horrible to hear about all of these horrible things that happened because of this hurricane. Hurricane Katrina affected so many people's lives. It affected all of the families and friends of all the people that died. I also found the fact that the levees failed very interesting. This is another thing that showed how powerful this storm was. The storm was so powerful that it had the ability to completely go over and under the levees. I really enjoyed watching this video and I feel that I learned alot from it.
Notes on Hurricane Katrina Video
The levees on the Eastern side of New Orleans were not built correctly, therefore they were over topped.
The disaster was all over the news when it was happening.
The water came into peoples houses and flouded it.
Houses and cars were swept away by the flouding.
They were waves up to 15 feet that crashed into the levees.
The water was discusting because it was also sewage. So the water was brown and it had diseases and if you had a cut you could get an infection from it.
The whole preperation for the hurricane was a complete epic fail.
Once the water got into the city there was no way to manage it because you could not get it out because of the levees.
People went to bed and there house was dry but then they would wake up in the middle of the night and water would be all the way up to there waist. The people had to stay awake so that they could be prepared for that.
When the water stopped raising they began to resume work on the floud walls which failed to do its job.
It would take over a month before the city could be completely dry.
The people whose houses got flooded had to go to live in the dome or a airplane hanger so they could be safe and dry.
100,000 people satyed home for this hurricane.
Some parts of New Orleans did not recieve a hurricane 3 hurricane. Instead they recieved a 2 to 3 category hurricane.
Some people had the theory that the levees were not over topped instead they were under mined.
The people will try to repair the levees so that they can sustain a category 3 hurricane for the next hurricane season.
The next hurricane season ended up being one of the worst hurricane seasons ever.
The hurricane intensity has changed over the years, nut they say that the ammount of hurricanes has not changed.
1 hurricane is equivelent to about 10 atomic bombs.
Gloabal warming is one theory why there are more intence hurricanes. But some people do not agree with this.
Scientist believe that things will get worse before they will get better.
New Orleans has been trying to improve there levves for the next hurricane.
Th people of New Orleans are trying to think of other ways then levees to improve there hurricane pretection plan.
The people of New Roleans have lost so much.
The disaster was all over the news when it was happening.
The water came into peoples houses and flouded it.
Houses and cars were swept away by the flouding.
They were waves up to 15 feet that crashed into the levees.
The water was discusting because it was also sewage. So the water was brown and it had diseases and if you had a cut you could get an infection from it.
The whole preperation for the hurricane was a complete epic fail.
Once the water got into the city there was no way to manage it because you could not get it out because of the levees.
People went to bed and there house was dry but then they would wake up in the middle of the night and water would be all the way up to there waist. The people had to stay awake so that they could be prepared for that.
When the water stopped raising they began to resume work on the floud walls which failed to do its job.
It would take over a month before the city could be completely dry.
The people whose houses got flooded had to go to live in the dome or a airplane hanger so they could be safe and dry.
100,000 people satyed home for this hurricane.
Some parts of New Orleans did not recieve a hurricane 3 hurricane. Instead they recieved a 2 to 3 category hurricane.
Some people had the theory that the levees were not over topped instead they were under mined.
The people will try to repair the levees so that they can sustain a category 3 hurricane for the next hurricane season.
The next hurricane season ended up being one of the worst hurricane seasons ever.
The hurricane intensity has changed over the years, nut they say that the ammount of hurricanes has not changed.
1 hurricane is equivelent to about 10 atomic bombs.
Gloabal warming is one theory why there are more intence hurricanes. But some people do not agree with this.
Scientist believe that things will get worse before they will get better.
New Orleans has been trying to improve there levves for the next hurricane.
Th people of New Orleans are trying to think of other ways then levees to improve there hurricane pretection plan.
The people of New Roleans have lost so much.
Monday, October 19, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 10/19/09
Today in class we watched a video on Hurricane Katrina. While we were watching the video we were also taking notes and we were having a class discusion on This video was really sad. Hurricane Katrina was truly one of the greatest disasters ever to hit the Earth. It affected so many people's lives. Many people died and many houses were damaged. There was also horrible flouding. It was almost like the whole entire city was under the water. I also enjoyed using to discus the video. This helped me ask questions and understand the video better.
Notes on Hurricane Katrina Video
Hurrican Katrina was a killer storm.
It was one of the most tragic hurricanes ever.
Sadly many people died becuase of this hurricane.
Hurricane Pam was a simulation of what would happen if a hurricane did hit New Orleans.
This would shpw how and teach people what they should do if a hurricane hit them.
They simulated hurricane Pam one year before hurricane Katrina happened.
People did not take the simulation seriously though.
One third of people evacuated when hurricane Ivan hit, but hurricane Ivan never did hit New Orleans. That is one reason why people did not evacutate New Orleans when the hurricane hit.
A tropical depression comes first, them a tropical storm, then a hurricane.
There are five different catagories of hurricanes. Category one is the lowest, and category five is the highest.
New Orleans lies between two lands of water. They are just off the Gulf of Mexico. They are pretty much in a bowl, and they are below see level.
Huricane Katrina was a tru combination of Physical Geography and Human Geography becuase it is Physical Geography because it shows the power of the huricane and it shows how New Orleans was not geographically ready for a hurricane with the power of hurricane Katrina. It is human Geogrpahy becuase it shows how humans reacted to this hurricane.
Levee's are like walls that are used to block the water and get it out of the city. So it is pretty much a wall used to keep water out.
People new before Hurricane Katrina was going to be a huge disaster.
Some people left, some people couldn't leave becuase of transportation purposes, and some people just didn't feel the need to leave and just stayed there.
Hurricane Kattrina was a category five hurricane.
Hurricane Katrina hit at 6:10 a.m.
Hurricane Katrina horrible flouded the city and pretty much put the city under the ground.
The leeves actually made the flouding worse because now the water could not get out because of the levees and the levves trapped the water inside of the city.
There were multiple breaks in the levees.
This is probaly the most destructive hurricane ever tp hit this world.
75% of New Orleans was under the water.
The Army had to use helicopters to save the people and to see if the levees broke or not.
Many people were on there ceilings standing trying to get the attention of the people in the helicopters so that they can be saved.
The levves failed because the water over-topped the levees.
There were 60,000 houses that were damaged and beyond repair.
The floud walls were undermined. The walls were under repaired and not built right.
It was one of the most tragic hurricanes ever.
Sadly many people died becuase of this hurricane.
Hurricane Pam was a simulation of what would happen if a hurricane did hit New Orleans.
This would shpw how and teach people what they should do if a hurricane hit them.
They simulated hurricane Pam one year before hurricane Katrina happened.
People did not take the simulation seriously though.
One third of people evacuated when hurricane Ivan hit, but hurricane Ivan never did hit New Orleans. That is one reason why people did not evacutate New Orleans when the hurricane hit.
A tropical depression comes first, them a tropical storm, then a hurricane.
There are five different catagories of hurricanes. Category one is the lowest, and category five is the highest.
New Orleans lies between two lands of water. They are just off the Gulf of Mexico. They are pretty much in a bowl, and they are below see level.
Huricane Katrina was a tru combination of Physical Geography and Human Geography becuase it is Physical Geography because it shows the power of the huricane and it shows how New Orleans was not geographically ready for a hurricane with the power of hurricane Katrina. It is human Geogrpahy becuase it shows how humans reacted to this hurricane.
Levee's are like walls that are used to block the water and get it out of the city. So it is pretty much a wall used to keep water out.
People new before Hurricane Katrina was going to be a huge disaster.
Some people left, some people couldn't leave becuase of transportation purposes, and some people just didn't feel the need to leave and just stayed there.
Hurricane Kattrina was a category five hurricane.
Hurricane Katrina hit at 6:10 a.m.
Hurricane Katrina horrible flouded the city and pretty much put the city under the ground.
The leeves actually made the flouding worse because now the water could not get out because of the levees and the levves trapped the water inside of the city.
There were multiple breaks in the levees.
This is probaly the most destructive hurricane ever tp hit this world.
75% of New Orleans was under the water.
The Army had to use helicopters to save the people and to see if the levees broke or not.
Many people were on there ceilings standing trying to get the attention of the people in the helicopters so that they can be saved.
The levves failed because the water over-topped the levees.
There were 60,000 houses that were damaged and beyond repair.
The floud walls were undermined. The walls were under repaired and not built right.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Homework for this weekend. 10/17/09
The website that I found that relates to global warming is People are debating many things over global warming. Some people believe that global warming causes a huge threat to all humans on earth. These people also believe that humans have the ability to stop global warming because they think that global warming was originally started by humans and there pullution to the enviornment. Others do not believe that these things are not true and that these things are not in the control of humans. Al Gore is someone who I hear about all over the news talking about global warming. Al Gore believes that humams are in control of global warming and that it can be stopped. Many other past presidents and other people in the goverment are also very worried and conserned about the affects on global warming in our world today.
Friday, October 16, 2009
What we did in class today. Friday 10/16/09
Today in class it was catch up on the work that we have not done yet day. People who did not finish the test on globilization finished it and people who did finish it got to either put they head on there desk and rest, study, or do homework. Since I finished my test on globilization the day of the test I got to study for my spanish test. This was a good class because now all of us our caught up.
Monday, October 12, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 10/12/09
Today we had a three mod class. The first mod we got with our partners and finished up our powerpoints. The next two mods we presented the powerpoints. Me and Pete were the second group to present the powerpoints. I learned many things from the other groups presentations. I learned alot about domesticated animals and domesticated plants. I also learned about countries such as China and Papua New Guinea. Tomorrow we have a test on the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. I felt as if this project helped me review before the test tomorrow.
Notes for Test Tomorrow- 10/12/09
The Zebras are impossible to domesticate.
Papua New Ginea is below the equator therefore it is hot.
Very few plants can grow in PapuaNew Guinea.
Papua New Guinea does not have many domesticated plants or animals.
Rice was grown in China
Corn was grown in America
Sorghum was grown in Africa.
Wheat was grown in the Middle-East.
North America has all 4 seasons.
Papua New Ginea is below the equator therefore it is hot.
Very few plants can grow in PapuaNew Guinea.
Papua New Guinea does not have many domesticated plants or animals.
Rice was grown in China
Corn was grown in America
Sorghum was grown in Africa.
Wheat was grown in the Middle-East.
North America has all 4 seasons.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
3 questions that I think should be on the test on Tuesday. 10/11/09
How many domesticated animals are there?
What is the definition of animal domestication?
Animal domestication means that you use animals for food, milk, and work.
What is one of the biggest impacts on where plants grow, and animals live?
The Weather
What is the definition of animal domestication?
Animal domestication means that you use animals for food, milk, and work.
What is one of the biggest impacts on where plants grow, and animals live?
The Weather
What we did in class today. Friday 10/11/09
Today in class Mr. Schick showed us the guidelines for the power point project. After that we got in groups and began to work. My partner was Pete. Pete and I got a lot of work done. This power point project is very interesting becuase you get to truly learn about what your topic is and how it became domesticated, and how it has changed our world today. That is what we did in class today.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 10/7/09
Today in class we finished up watching the movie Gun, Germs, and Steel. I really enjoyed this movie and hope we watch and take notes on movies throughout the rest of this year. I found the question that Jared diamond answered about how some countries are rich while other countries are poor very interesting. We learned about animal domestication and plant domestication. Animal domestication and plant domestication are a huge part of the reason why some countries are rich while other countries are poor. A huge part of why domesticated animals and plants are in some countries when they are not in others is the weather. A place in the world that is not geologically gifted is New Guinea. New Guinea does not have any domesticated animals and it is very hard to grow plants there. New Guinea is not globalized. It is not connected with the rest of the world. Alot of people probaly have never even heard of New Guinea. I actually have never heard of New Guinea before this movie. I do not know if it is possible to modernize New Guinea. It would be extremely difficult to. That is what we did in Human Geography class today.
Notes on Guns, Germs, and Steel- 10/7/09
The number of domesticated animals are 14.
The animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo's, llamas, rain deer, yaks, mithons, bali cows.
None of these animals are from New Guinea.
South America only has one large domesticated animal which is the llama.
Cows, pigs, sheep, and goats all come from the Middle East.
The people of The Fertile Cresent were geologically blessed. They had alot of domesticated animals and they also had good land to grow crops on such as wheat and barley.
Making plaster from limestone was a huge technological breakthrough.
Places like New Guinea never developed adavanced technology. Even today the technology is the same as it was about 10 centuries ago.
Food Surpluses are having more then enough food to fead people. That was also one of the problems about New Guinea there was not enough food to feed all of the people and they had to work hard to get food to feed the people.
Since the New Guinea people did not have food surpluses they did not have metal tools.
The Middle East was where civilization truly had its very first start.
The Fertile Cresent is in the middle of a huge land mass.
Weather is a huge part of how plants grown and where animals live in.
The animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo's, llamas, rain deer, yaks, mithons, bali cows.
None of these animals are from New Guinea.
South America only has one large domesticated animal which is the llama.
Cows, pigs, sheep, and goats all come from the Middle East.
The people of The Fertile Cresent were geologically blessed. They had alot of domesticated animals and they also had good land to grow crops on such as wheat and barley.
Making plaster from limestone was a huge technological breakthrough.
Places like New Guinea never developed adavanced technology. Even today the technology is the same as it was about 10 centuries ago.
Food Surpluses are having more then enough food to fead people. That was also one of the problems about New Guinea there was not enough food to feed all of the people and they had to work hard to get food to feed the people.
Since the New Guinea people did not have food surpluses they did not have metal tools.
The Middle East was where civilization truly had its very first start.
The Fertile Cresent is in the middle of a huge land mass.
Weather is a huge part of how plants grown and where animals live in.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 10/6/09
Today in class we watched the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. i really am enjoying this movie and it is really helping me understand why some countries are rich while other countries are poor. I found the facts about the animals and plants extremely interesting. Jared Diamond is also a very interesting person. I think that it would be awesome traveling all across the country and getting to see what countries such a New Guinea would be like. We also tried something new in class today we went on a website called, in this website we could post a question we would have about the video or anything that we learned in class that day. I found this website very useful and productive. I had a great time in class today and I hope that we use again.
Notes on Guns, Germs, and Steel- 10/6/09
The Granry was an oval shape place where the people stored food or crops such as grain. There was enough grain to fill the granary . The people began to grow there own food due to the drought. There were hunters and gatherers before that time. The wonem would gather fruits and vegtables when the men would hunt animals such as deer in order to have food. They are in the Miidle East at this time in the video. The time period is approximatleys 11 thousand years ago.
Whaet and barley were the easiest plants to grow and to harvest. They woulld select the seeds from the wheat and barley that were the best and would be the easiest to grow the next time they plant the seeds. They would not pick the bad seeds.
The way we harvest and row crops now is not that much different from the way they did it along time ago.
Farming did not bring benefits to the people in New Guinea. Archeologist believe that people have been farming in New Guinea for 10,000 years now.
Thats why the question why we are such a rich country when countries such as New Guinea barely have anything.
10,000 years ago whatever was growing near you is what you had to eat.
In New Guinea they can not grow crops such as Grain and Wheat because of the conditions there. This is a huge disadvantage because Grains and barley are crops that can be stored and they are alos very nutricious and good for your health.
Farming was very crucial to how some countries are rich and some countries have nothing.
For example Americans have an advantage over people who live in New Guinea because th people in America have better farming conditions and the grow more nutriciuos crops such as grain and barley.
Animal domestication- means that you use animals for milk and work.
Plant domestication- Selecting which plants you wan to grow.
Geographic luck- this means that some countries are luckier then others when it comes to growing crops.
Goats and sheep are the first to be domesticated in the modern world.
Before the invention of machines animals were the most powerful machines.
A horse or an ox can increase the productivity of farms.
The pig was not a domestic animal. Although pigs do give you meat. They do not have muscle power.
In New guinea the only muscle power they have is humans muscle power. Almost all of the farm work is done by land.
How many animals in the world have been domesticated?
Whaet and barley were the easiest plants to grow and to harvest. They woulld select the seeds from the wheat and barley that were the best and would be the easiest to grow the next time they plant the seeds. They would not pick the bad seeds.
The way we harvest and row crops now is not that much different from the way they did it along time ago.
Farming did not bring benefits to the people in New Guinea. Archeologist believe that people have been farming in New Guinea for 10,000 years now.
Thats why the question why we are such a rich country when countries such as New Guinea barely have anything.
10,000 years ago whatever was growing near you is what you had to eat.
In New Guinea they can not grow crops such as Grain and Wheat because of the conditions there. This is a huge disadvantage because Grains and barley are crops that can be stored and they are alos very nutricious and good for your health.
Farming was very crucial to how some countries are rich and some countries have nothing.
For example Americans have an advantage over people who live in New Guinea because th people in America have better farming conditions and the grow more nutriciuos crops such as grain and barley.
Animal domestication- means that you use animals for milk and work.
Plant domestication- Selecting which plants you wan to grow.
Geographic luck- this means that some countries are luckier then others when it comes to growing crops.
Goats and sheep are the first to be domesticated in the modern world.
Before the invention of machines animals were the most powerful machines.
A horse or an ox can increase the productivity of farms.
The pig was not a domestic animal. Although pigs do give you meat. They do not have muscle power.
In New guinea the only muscle power they have is humans muscle power. Almost all of the farm work is done by land.
How many animals in the world have been domesticated?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What we did in class today. Wednesday, 9/30/09
Today in class we watched a movie called Guns, Germs, and Steel. This was a very interesting movie about a man named Jared Diamond. Jared Diamond is a man who travels throughout the world trying to figure out how some countries are rich such as The United States and how some countries are poor such as New Guinea. I really enjoyed this movie because I learned some very interesting things about the world.
Notes on Guns, Germs, and Steel- 9/30/09
Jared Diamond has traveled the world to try to explore the routs of power in the World.
What seperates the haves from the have nots. The haves are people like us who have food, clothes, and shelter. The have nots are people in poor countries that struggle to get food, have shelter, and have clothes.
Jared Diamonds quest started on Papua New Guinea. Jared is a proffesor at UCLA. His real passion is the study of birds. Jared is a biologist.
Jared loves to go to New Guinea because there are many amazing birds there.
Jared is also an Author his books name is Guns, Germs, and Steel.
A person from New Guinea asked Jared, why do you white people have so much cargo when we have nothing?
Cargo is the word that the New Guinea people use for goods.
Jared says that the New Guinea people are very smart. Technological advances are any progress in technology that is new. Advanced technology, large population, and specialized work force are the differences between a country like the U.S.A and a country like New Guinea.
To understand where inequality came from he had to go back to a time where there was no inequality. He had to go back 13,000 years ago in the Middle East.
The middle East was alot more Arid then today.
The people were constantly on the move trying to find food and shelter. They would stay in a shelter for a long time until there ran out of food. Once they ran out of food they would move to another area were there is food and shelter.
These people hunted for food. They would track down any food they possible could. It takes time to hunt for an amimal. They have to hunt with a bow and arrow because there was no higher technology then that at the time.
What seperates the haves from the have nots. The haves are people like us who have food, clothes, and shelter. The have nots are people in poor countries that struggle to get food, have shelter, and have clothes.
Jared Diamonds quest started on Papua New Guinea. Jared is a proffesor at UCLA. His real passion is the study of birds. Jared is a biologist.
Jared loves to go to New Guinea because there are many amazing birds there.
Jared is also an Author his books name is Guns, Germs, and Steel.
A person from New Guinea asked Jared, why do you white people have so much cargo when we have nothing?
Cargo is the word that the New Guinea people use for goods.
Jared says that the New Guinea people are very smart. Technological advances are any progress in technology that is new. Advanced technology, large population, and specialized work force are the differences between a country like the U.S.A and a country like New Guinea.
To understand where inequality came from he had to go back to a time where there was no inequality. He had to go back 13,000 years ago in the Middle East.
The middle East was alot more Arid then today.
The people were constantly on the move trying to find food and shelter. They would stay in a shelter for a long time until there ran out of food. Once they ran out of food they would move to another area were there is food and shelter.
These people hunted for food. They would track down any food they possible could. It takes time to hunt for an amimal. They have to hunt with a bow and arrow because there was no higher technology then that at the time.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What we did in class today. Tuesday 9/29/09
Today in class we took a Test on Chapter 1. The test was on Mr. Schicks blog and we had to copy and paste it out of his blog into our blog. The test was extremely frustrating because the internet was no working. Everytime I was getting ready to finish a section on the test the internet would completely stop working and I would have to try to get the internet to work again. Fortunatley I finished most of the test in class although the internet was not working well. That is what we did in class today.
Test on Chapter 1- 9/29/09
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this graded academic work. I am a person of integrity and I do not cheat.” Agree to this statement by typing your name here: Adam Isennock
Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change. Those who are pro-globalization believe that wealth will “trickle down” from rich countries to poor countries. They also believe it will spread the benefits of new ideas and new technology to all nations. One organization that loans money to nations so they can invest in business is the World Bank. On the other hand, those who are anti-globalization say it is not fair, because the richest 20% of the world’s people consume 86% of the world’s resources, resulting in inequities between “haves” and “have nots.”
Use the CIA Factbook to answer the following questions: In Luxembourg the life expectancy is 79.33 years, the infant mortality rate is 4.56 deaths per 1000 live births, the literacy rate is 100%, and the TFR is 1.78 . In Libya the life expectancy is 77.26 years, the infant mortality rate is 21.05 deaths per 1000 live births, the literacy rate is 82.6%, and the TFR is 3.08.
We often categorize nations as being “developed” or “developing” nations. Vietnam and Mexico would be considered developing nations; Japan and Canada are developed nations.
The current world population is over 6 billion people. The number that measures how many children the average woman in a nation will bear is known as the Total Fertility Rate, which is abbreviated as TFR . When this number is exactly 2.1, then the population stays the same; if it’s higher, the population goes up, and if it’s lower, the population decreases. The population is growing fastest in developing nations.
A population pyramid that is shaped just like a pyramid -- wide on the bottom and narrow at the top -- shows a country whose population is growing fast. If it is shaped more like a vase or a soda bottle, that nation’s population is growing slow. Young people are found at the bottom of the pyramid, and males are found on the left hand side.
When discussing migration, people who are entering a country are known as immigrants, and people who are leaving a country are known as migrants.
People leave their country for many reasons. An example of a push force is civil strife, and an example of a pull force is better economic opportunities or health services. If a nation’s net migration rate is a negative number, it means more people are leaving the country than are arriving.
STEP THREE: In a short, well-written essay, answer ONE of the following questions:
1) Some people feel very strongly in their pro-globalization opinions, while some anti-globalization advocates have different beliefs. It’s likely that the truth lies somewhere in between. What do you think is the “middle ground” in this argument? Be sure to provide evidence for your opinion.
OR 2) Explain the academic discipline of Human Geography using the five themes. How is this discipline different from the study of physical geography? In your opinion, what is the benefit of studying Human Geography?
Human Geography explores social, economic, political factors; demography, migration, and culture. The five themes of human geography are environmental geography, population and settlement, cultural coherence and diversity, geopolitical framework, and economic and social development. These themes help me study and understand Human Geography better. Physical Geography examines climates, landforms, soils, vegetation, and hydrology. The discipline is different from the study of Human Geography because in Human Geography you are learning about social issues, the economy, political factors, demography, migration, and culture. All of those things are things that affect our human life style and the way we live. In Physical Geography you are learning about climates, landforms, soils, vegetation, and hydrology. These things are things that do not affect us personally but effect the world physically. The benefit of studying human Geography is we will be more aware of the economic situations in our world and we will now know more about politics and other things in this world that affect us personally.
OR 3) The demographic transition graph describes the changes in birthrates and death rates that a country experiences over time. Describe the changes that the United States has gone through by using the demographic transition diagram.
STEP FOUR: First, go to the following website and read the news story you will find there:
Then, in a short yet brilliant essay, summarize that story by relating it to our studies of immigration in class. Try to use terms from the text and from our class discussions.
In the New York Times article it shows although that The United States is having a bad economical time one third of Mexicans say that they would move to the United States if they could. 57 percent of Mexicans who left Mexico to come to America say that they are having a better life in America. 14% say that there life is worse here. People in Mexico consider America the land of opportunity. They know that they have a great chance to have a job here. This survey shows that more and more migrants from Mexico will come to America to live. The people in Mexico know that they will have a better chance in America to make money and live a safer and more successful lifestyle. This article relates to what we are learning in class because in class right now we are learning about migration.
STEP FIVE: When you have finished your test, publish your post.
Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change. Those who are pro-globalization believe that wealth will “trickle down” from rich countries to poor countries. They also believe it will spread the benefits of new ideas and new technology to all nations. One organization that loans money to nations so they can invest in business is the World Bank. On the other hand, those who are anti-globalization say it is not fair, because the richest 20% of the world’s people consume 86% of the world’s resources, resulting in inequities between “haves” and “have nots.”
Use the CIA Factbook to answer the following questions: In Luxembourg the life expectancy is 79.33 years, the infant mortality rate is 4.56 deaths per 1000 live births, the literacy rate is 100%, and the TFR is 1.78 . In Libya the life expectancy is 77.26 years, the infant mortality rate is 21.05 deaths per 1000 live births, the literacy rate is 82.6%, and the TFR is 3.08.
We often categorize nations as being “developed” or “developing” nations. Vietnam and Mexico would be considered developing nations; Japan and Canada are developed nations.
The current world population is over 6 billion people. The number that measures how many children the average woman in a nation will bear is known as the Total Fertility Rate, which is abbreviated as TFR . When this number is exactly 2.1, then the population stays the same; if it’s higher, the population goes up, and if it’s lower, the population decreases. The population is growing fastest in developing nations.
A population pyramid that is shaped just like a pyramid -- wide on the bottom and narrow at the top -- shows a country whose population is growing fast. If it is shaped more like a vase or a soda bottle, that nation’s population is growing slow. Young people are found at the bottom of the pyramid, and males are found on the left hand side.
When discussing migration, people who are entering a country are known as immigrants, and people who are leaving a country are known as migrants.
People leave their country for many reasons. An example of a push force is civil strife, and an example of a pull force is better economic opportunities or health services. If a nation’s net migration rate is a negative number, it means more people are leaving the country than are arriving.
STEP THREE: In a short, well-written essay, answer ONE of the following questions:
1) Some people feel very strongly in their pro-globalization opinions, while some anti-globalization advocates have different beliefs. It’s likely that the truth lies somewhere in between. What do you think is the “middle ground” in this argument? Be sure to provide evidence for your opinion.
OR 2) Explain the academic discipline of Human Geography using the five themes. How is this discipline different from the study of physical geography? In your opinion, what is the benefit of studying Human Geography?
Human Geography explores social, economic, political factors; demography, migration, and culture. The five themes of human geography are environmental geography, population and settlement, cultural coherence and diversity, geopolitical framework, and economic and social development. These themes help me study and understand Human Geography better. Physical Geography examines climates, landforms, soils, vegetation, and hydrology. The discipline is different from the study of Human Geography because in Human Geography you are learning about social issues, the economy, political factors, demography, migration, and culture. All of those things are things that affect our human life style and the way we live. In Physical Geography you are learning about climates, landforms, soils, vegetation, and hydrology. These things are things that do not affect us personally but effect the world physically. The benefit of studying human Geography is we will be more aware of the economic situations in our world and we will now know more about politics and other things in this world that affect us personally.
OR 3) The demographic transition graph describes the changes in birthrates and death rates that a country experiences over time. Describe the changes that the United States has gone through by using the demographic transition diagram.
STEP FOUR: First, go to the following website and read the news story you will find there:
Then, in a short yet brilliant essay, summarize that story by relating it to our studies of immigration in class. Try to use terms from the text and from our class discussions.
In the New York Times article it shows although that The United States is having a bad economical time one third of Mexicans say that they would move to the United States if they could. 57 percent of Mexicans who left Mexico to come to America say that they are having a better life in America. 14% say that there life is worse here. People in Mexico consider America the land of opportunity. They know that they have a great chance to have a job here. This survey shows that more and more migrants from Mexico will come to America to live. The people in Mexico know that they will have a better chance in America to make money and live a safer and more successful lifestyle. This article relates to what we are learning in class because in class right now we are learning about migration.
STEP FIVE: When you have finished your test, publish your post.
Monday, September 28, 2009
What we did in class. Monday 9/28/09
Today in class we went over how to fill out the assignment we are supposed to do for classwork and homework. We had to go on Mr. Schicks blog and copy the assignment out of his blog and put it in ours. After that we had to go on and get the information from that website and fill out the information on the worksheet we had to do. If we did not finish this assignment in class it was homework.
CIA. 9/28/09
The United States is the fourth largest nation on earth, with a population of 307, 212,123. The total fertility rate is 2.05, and the net migration rate is 4.31, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.975%, which means their population is rising slightly. The infant mortality rate is 6.26 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 78.11 years (75.65 for men, 80.69 for women), which means they probably have a good health care system. The literacy rate is 99%, which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is English, spoken by 82.1% of its people, and the secondary language is Spanish, spoken by 10.7% of its people. 82% of the population lives in cities.
France is the 22 largest nation on earth, with a population of 64,057,792. The total fertility rate is 1.98, and the net migration rate is 1.48, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.549, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 3.33 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 80.98 years (77.79 for men,84.33 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99% which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is French, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is N/A, spoken by N/A of its people. 77% of the population lives in cities.
Japan is the 11th largest nation on earth, with a population of 127,078,679. The total fertility rate is 1.21, and the net migration rate is N/A, resulting in a population growth rate of N/A, which means their population is N/A. The infant mortality rate is 2.79 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 82.12 years (78.8 for men, 85.62 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99%, which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is Japenese, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is N/A, spoken by N/A of its people. 66% of the population lives in cities.
Niger is the 64th largest nation on earth, with a population of 15,306,252. The total fertility rate is 7.75, and the net migration rate is -o.57, resulting in a population growth rate of 3.677%, which means their population is growing pretty fast. The infant mortality rate is 116.66 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 52.6 years (51.39 for men, 53.85 for women), which means they probably have a bad health care system. The literacy rate is 28.7%, which means they have an horrible educational system. The main language is French, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is Hausa, spoken by N/A of its people. 16% of the population lives in cities.
Iran is the 20th largest nation on earth, with a population of 66,429,284. The total fertility rate is 1.71, and the net migration rate is -2.62, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.883%, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 35.78 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 71.14 years (69.65 for men, 72.72 for women), which means they probably have an average health care system. The literacy rate is 77%, which means they have an average educational system. The main language is Persian and Persian dialects, spoken by 58% of its people, and the secondary language is Turkic and Turkic dialects, spoken by 26% of its people. 68% of the population lives in cities.
Mexico is the 12th largest nation on earth, with a population of 111,211,789. The total fertility rate is 2.34, and the net migration rate is -3.31, resulting in a population growth rate of 1.13%, which means their population is very slow. The infant mortality rate is 18.42 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 76.06 years (73.25 for men, 79 for women), which means they probably have a good health care system. The literacy rate is 91%, which means they have a great educational system. The main language is Spanish, spoken by 92.7% of its people, and the secondary language is Spanish and indigenous languages, spoken by 5.7%of its people. 77% of the population lives in cities.
The United Kingdom is the 23rd largest nation on earth, with a population of 61,113,205. The total fertility rate is 1.66, and the net migration rate is 2.16, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.279%, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 4.85 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 79.01 years (76.52 for men, 81.63 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99%, which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is English, spoken by 99% of its people, and the secondary language is Wales, spoken by N/A of its people. 90% of the population lives in cities.
France is the 22 largest nation on earth, with a population of 64,057,792. The total fertility rate is 1.98, and the net migration rate is 1.48, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.549, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 3.33 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 80.98 years (77.79 for men,84.33 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99% which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is French, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is N/A, spoken by N/A of its people. 77% of the population lives in cities.
Japan is the 11th largest nation on earth, with a population of 127,078,679. The total fertility rate is 1.21, and the net migration rate is N/A, resulting in a population growth rate of N/A, which means their population is N/A. The infant mortality rate is 2.79 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 82.12 years (78.8 for men, 85.62 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99%, which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is Japenese, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is N/A, spoken by N/A of its people. 66% of the population lives in cities.
Niger is the 64th largest nation on earth, with a population of 15,306,252. The total fertility rate is 7.75, and the net migration rate is -o.57, resulting in a population growth rate of 3.677%, which means their population is growing pretty fast. The infant mortality rate is 116.66 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 52.6 years (51.39 for men, 53.85 for women), which means they probably have a bad health care system. The literacy rate is 28.7%, which means they have an horrible educational system. The main language is French, spoken by 100% of its people, and the secondary language is Hausa, spoken by N/A of its people. 16% of the population lives in cities.
Iran is the 20th largest nation on earth, with a population of 66,429,284. The total fertility rate is 1.71, and the net migration rate is -2.62, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.883%, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 35.78 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 71.14 years (69.65 for men, 72.72 for women), which means they probably have an average health care system. The literacy rate is 77%, which means they have an average educational system. The main language is Persian and Persian dialects, spoken by 58% of its people, and the secondary language is Turkic and Turkic dialects, spoken by 26% of its people. 68% of the population lives in cities.
Mexico is the 12th largest nation on earth, with a population of 111,211,789. The total fertility rate is 2.34, and the net migration rate is -3.31, resulting in a population growth rate of 1.13%, which means their population is very slow. The infant mortality rate is 18.42 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 76.06 years (73.25 for men, 79 for women), which means they probably have a good health care system. The literacy rate is 91%, which means they have a great educational system. The main language is Spanish, spoken by 92.7% of its people, and the secondary language is Spanish and indigenous languages, spoken by 5.7%of its people. 77% of the population lives in cities.
The United Kingdom is the 23rd largest nation on earth, with a population of 61,113,205. The total fertility rate is 1.66, and the net migration rate is 2.16, resulting in a population growth rate of 0.279%, which means their population is growing slowly. The infant mortality rate is 4.85 deaths per 1000 live births, and the life expectancy is 79.01 years (76.52 for men, 81.63 for women), which means they probably have a excellent health care system. The literacy rate is 99%, which means they have an excellent educational system. The main language is English, spoken by 99% of its people, and the secondary language is Wales, spoken by N/A of its people. 90% of the population lives in cities.
What we did in class today. Friday 9/25/09
Today in class we did an assingment. The assignment was you had to go to a news website such as Google News and find an article about something in the news today that relates to what we are learning in class such as globilization or immigration. We had to find three articles and summarize them and put them in our blog. If you did not finish this assignment in class it was homework.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Relating News stories to what we are learning. 9/25/09 Article 3
"Immigration and Emigration" - New York times
Immigration has taken a huge affect on the popluation of the United States. The United States has experienced the largest affect of globilization in the 21st century since the 1920's. For the first time in history the number of illegal immigrants has out numbered the number of legal immigrants. About 11.9 million illegal immigrants were living in The United States by 2008. Immigration has become one of the most controversial issues in the world today.
Immigration has taken a huge affect on the popluation of the United States. The United States has experienced the largest affect of globilization in the 21st century since the 1920's. For the first time in history the number of illegal immigrants has out numbered the number of legal immigrants. About 11.9 million illegal immigrants were living in The United States by 2008. Immigration has become one of the most controversial issues in the world today.
Relating News stories to what we are learning. 9/25/09. Article 2
"Protesters hope to highlight issues at G-20 summit" - Google News
One of the huge issues that they will be discussing in the G-20 summit is globilization. Someone named Guillen says that globilization is a term that encompasses everything from technology to economic polocies that have made the world borderless and interdependent. Protesters think that the bad effects of globilization is that it can be seen in developing countries which are horrible affected by prices or even worse communities that are left when industries move to different places. These protesters are anti-globilization.
One of the huge issues that they will be discussing in the G-20 summit is globilization. Someone named Guillen says that globilization is a term that encompasses everything from technology to economic polocies that have made the world borderless and interdependent. Protesters think that the bad effects of globilization is that it can be seen in developing countries which are horrible affected by prices or even worse communities that are left when industries move to different places. These protesters are anti-globilization.
Relating News stories to what we are learning. 9/25/09
"Curb Population Growth" - Google News
Clarke Dobson believes that as our world population increases the Global Warming of the world will increase also. Most people are trying to make the world a greener place but no one has ever considered trying to stop our population growth. When there are more people on the earth the more polution there will be. Clarke Dobson also thinks that political leaders should lead by example and only have a maximum of two children.
Clarke Dobson believes that as our world population increases the Global Warming of the world will increase also. Most people are trying to make the world a greener place but no one has ever considered trying to stop our population growth. When there are more people on the earth the more polution there will be. Clarke Dobson also thinks that political leaders should lead by example and only have a maximum of two children.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Summary of Migration. 9/23/09
Today in class we learned about Migration Patterns and The Net Migration Rates. Never before have this many people migrating. Over 190 million people live outside of there country of birth, therefore they are migrants. Nearly a third of the worlds migrants live in these seven countries, Japan, Germany, Canada, The United States, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Some migrants move because of economic problems but others move because of War, persecution, famine, and enviormental destruction. People migrate from countries such as Kuwait, Sudia Arabia, Mexico, and Iraq. These are countries that are developing and our economically struggling. The people there move to countries such as the United States because there are better job oppurtunites. A refugee is a person who flees his or her country because of well-foundedfear of persecutionbased on race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, or political affiliation. Net migration rate is a statistic that asseses whether people are entering or leaving a country by measuring the ammount of immigration and emigration. The net migration rate of the United States is 3.52 per 1,000 people. Canada has the net migration rate of 6.02 per 1,000 people. The net migration rate of Mexico is -2.65 per every 1,000 people.
Notes on Migration Patterns- 9/23/09
Never before have there been this many migrants.
Today more than 190 people live outside the country of their birth, thus are officially designated as migrants by international industries.
1 third of the worlds migrants have landed in 1 of these seven countries, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, the United states, Italy, and The United Kingdom.
Most migrants end up in cities.
Not all people move because of Job opportunities, some people migrate because of War, persecution, famine, and environmental destruction cause people to go to a safer country.
Refugee- a person who flees his or her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, and ideology.
Connecting informational networks of families, friends, and sometimes lobor contractors who provide information on the mechanics of migration, transportation details, and housing and job opportunities.
Net migration rates- a statistic that depicts whethe more people are entering or leaving the country.
immagrant- people coming into a country
emigrant- someone leaving a country.
If more people are immagranting into a country the net migration number is going up.
If more people are emigrating out of a country the net migration number is going down.
Today more than 190 people live outside the country of their birth, thus are officially designated as migrants by international industries.
1 third of the worlds migrants have landed in 1 of these seven countries, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, the United states, Italy, and The United Kingdom.
Most migrants end up in cities.
Not all people move because of Job opportunities, some people migrate because of War, persecution, famine, and environmental destruction cause people to go to a safer country.
Refugee- a person who flees his or her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, and ideology.
Connecting informational networks of families, friends, and sometimes lobor contractors who provide information on the mechanics of migration, transportation details, and housing and job opportunities.
Net migration rates- a statistic that depicts whethe more people are entering or leaving the country.
immagrant- people coming into a country
emigrant- someone leaving a country.
If more people are immagranting into a country the net migration number is going up.
If more people are emigrating out of a country the net migration number is going down.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What we did in class. 9/22/09
Today in class we learned more about the Demographic Transition model. We went on Mr. Schicks blog and we went to his links and found his version of the demographic transition model. The model on his website was the same as it was in the textbook but his was more detailed and had more information about The Demographic Transition. The Demographic Transition model is very interesting because it shows alot of information about different countries in the world and how urbanized the countries are.
The Demographic Transition 9/22/09
Today in class we learned more about the Demographic Transition. The Demographic Transition is a model in which there are 4 stages that tracks the birthrates and death rates through time as a population urbanizes.We learned many things about it. We learned that the United States, europe, Japan are all stage 4 countries. stage 1 is preidustrial, stage 2 is transitional, stage 3 is transitional, and stage 4 is industrial.
Monday, September 21, 2009
What we did in class today. Monday 9/21/09
We had a three mod class today so people who did not take the globilization quiz took the quiz and got caught up. Once they were all finished taking the quiz we began to look at some peoples blogs. We compared the developing countries and the developed countries. We also looked at the population pyramids. Tonight for homework we had to summarize the paragraph about The Demographic Transition. This was very interesting.
The Demographic Transition
The demographic transition is a four-stage conceptualization that tracks the changes in birthrates and death rates through time as a population urbanizes. In the transition model stage 1 is characterized by both high birthrates and death rates, which is leading to a slow rate of natural increases. in stage 2 death rates fall drastically while the birthrates remain high. Which means that there is a rapid raise in the RNI. In stage 3 people become aware of the advantages of smaller families in an urban and an industrial setting. In stage 4 a low RNI results from a combination of low birthrates and extremely low death rates. This is a good model to predict where and when we can predict population growth.
What we did in class Friday 9/18/09
We went over the population pyramids and information about the countries. We compared the differences betweena developing counry and a developed country.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hw- for 9/19/09- Deveoping countries and developed countries.
The developed country I picked was Germany and the developing country I picked was Iraq. There are many difference between developing countries and developed countries.
In Germany The life expectancy rate is 79 where in Iraq it is 70.
In Germany the Total Fertility rate is 1.4. In Iraq the Total Fertility Rate in Iraq is 3.9.
The Growth rate of Germany is -0.1 were the Growth rate of Iraq is 2.5.
The mid-year population in Germany is 82,330. The mid-year population in Iraq is 28,946.
The crude birth rate in Iraq is 30. The crude birth rate in Germany is 8.
In Germany the infant morality rate per 1,000 babies is 4. In Iraq the infant morality rate per every 1,000 babies is 45.
The Under 5 morality rate is 5 in Germany. The Under 5 mortality rate is 55 in Iraq.
The crude death rate in Germany is 11. The crude death rate in Iraq is 5.
The deaths in thousands in Germany is 897. The deaths in thousands in Iraq is 149.
The net migration rate in Germany is 2 per every 1,000. The net migration rate in Iraq is 0 per every 1,000.
The net number of migrants in Germany is 180 I thousands. The net number of migrants in Iraq is 0.
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- The average number of children that will be borne by women of a hypothetical, yet statistically valid, population, such as that of a specific culture group or within a particular country.
The Rate of Natural Increase are both slow growth in both countries. More babies are born in Iraq then in Germany but mortality rate in Germany is 5 when the mortality rate in Iraq is 55. The number of migrants into Germany is 180 and the number of migrants into Iraq is 0. The life expectancy in Germany is 79 when it is 70 in Iraq. That is why the Rate of Natural Increase is slow in both countries right now.
In Germany The life expectancy rate is 79 where in Iraq it is 70.
In Germany the Total Fertility rate is 1.4. In Iraq the Total Fertility Rate in Iraq is 3.9.
The Growth rate of Germany is -0.1 were the Growth rate of Iraq is 2.5.
The mid-year population in Germany is 82,330. The mid-year population in Iraq is 28,946.
The crude birth rate in Iraq is 30. The crude birth rate in Germany is 8.
In Germany the infant morality rate per 1,000 babies is 4. In Iraq the infant morality rate per every 1,000 babies is 45.
The Under 5 morality rate is 5 in Germany. The Under 5 mortality rate is 55 in Iraq.
The crude death rate in Germany is 11. The crude death rate in Iraq is 5.
The deaths in thousands in Germany is 897. The deaths in thousands in Iraq is 149.
The net migration rate in Germany is 2 per every 1,000. The net migration rate in Iraq is 0 per every 1,000.
The net number of migrants in Germany is 180 I thousands. The net number of migrants in Iraq is 0.
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- The average number of children that will be borne by women of a hypothetical, yet statistically valid, population, such as that of a specific culture group or within a particular country.
The Rate of Natural Increase are both slow growth in both countries. More babies are born in Iraq then in Germany but mortality rate in Germany is 5 when the mortality rate in Iraq is 55. The number of migrants into Germany is 180 and the number of migrants into Iraq is 0. The life expectancy in Germany is 79 when it is 70 in Iraq. That is why the Rate of Natural Increase is slow in both countries right now.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Things that I though were interesting in the youtube video we watched today. 9/16/09
I thougt many things were interesting in the youtube video we watched in class today. I thought the amount of people that used was very interesting and it was surprising to me. I was also suprised when I found out how many kids under the age of 4 have used a computer. The most suprising thing to me was how many people are born every minute. I was amazed by this. I had a great time in class today. I really enjoyed watching the video and discussing it as a class.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Notes on the population pyramid.
The Population Pyramid
The population pyramid can help human geographers determine what will happen to the country's population.
We should be able to determine the nations prosperity by using the population pyramid.
Population pyramids graphically represent the age and gender distribution of a certain population.
They can be represented by region or by country.
They help human geographers determine what is happening to individual populations across the globe.
Age: population pyramids visually present the population of a particular country broken down by age.
Males on left females on right.
Young and old population: Percentage of population under the age 15. Global average Is 30.low is 17 percent (Europe); high of 42 percent (Africa). High number indicates great potential for future growth. Percentage of population over 65. Identifies need to health care and social services.
Life expectancy: average number of years a person is expected to live; affected by many factors.
What country has an overall higher life expectancy? B.
What country has a larger percentage of young population? A.
If both countries currently have the same total population , WHICH COUNTRIES POPULATION WILL BE TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW? WHY? B. Because it stays pretty much even through out the whole pyramid.
The population pyramid can help human geographers determine what will happen to the country's population.
We should be able to determine the nations prosperity by using the population pyramid.
Population pyramids graphically represent the age and gender distribution of a certain population.
They can be represented by region or by country.
They help human geographers determine what is happening to individual populations across the globe.
Age: population pyramids visually present the population of a particular country broken down by age.
Males on left females on right.
Young and old population: Percentage of population under the age 15. Global average Is 30.low is 17 percent (Europe); high of 42 percent (Africa). High number indicates great potential for future growth. Percentage of population over 65. Identifies need to health care and social services.
Life expectancy: average number of years a person is expected to live; affected by many factors.
What country has an overall higher life expectancy? B.
What country has a larger percentage of young population? A.
If both countries currently have the same total population , WHICH COUNTRIES POPULATION WILL BE TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW? WHY? B. Because it stays pretty much even through out the whole pyramid.
What we did in class 9/15/09.
Today in class we took notes on the population pyramid. I learned many things in this class. At the end of the class we got in groups of four and we answered questions.
Monday, September 14, 2009
What we did in class- 9/7/09
Today in class we took notes and learned about the regions of the world. It was a very fun class because we passed around a globe and whatever country our thumb landed on we had to say the region of the world it was in.
What we did in class on 9/8/09
In class today we did classwork by ourselves. We had to match the countries with the regions they were in. We had to finish it for homework.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What we did in class on Friday 9/11/09
In class on Friday 9/11/09 we learned about the pros and cons of globilization. All of the groups finished presenting there summaries of there paragrphs. We also disscused why you should buy food locally.
What we did in class on Wednesday 9/9/09
In class Wednesday we got in groups of two and Mr. Schick gave us a paragraph to read and summarize. This helped me learn the pros and cons of globilization.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Summary of paragraph- classwork
Thomas Freidman was one of the first people to argue that the world has changed economically. It has changed in a way that financial capitals, goods, and services now go freely from place to place. There is now a global spread of sweatshops all across the world. Sweatshops are crude factories in which workers sew clothing, assemble sneakers, or perform similar labor intensive tasks for extremely low wages. People work at sweatshops because some alternatives are even worse. People also argue that multinational firms in North America and Europe pay better and there are safer working conditions than local firms. Extreme pro-globalizers try to assert that poor countries should try to take advantage of the laid back environmental laws that they have to attract highly polluting countries from rich countries. This would make their overall economic positions better.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Five Themes of Human Geography
1. Envormental Geography
2.Population and Settlement
3.Cultural coherence and diversity
4. Geopolitical framework
5. Economic and social developement
2.Population and Settlement
3.Cultural coherence and diversity
4. Geopolitical framework
5. Economic and social developement
Classwork 9/8/09 Part 2.
1. United States- North America
2. France- Europe
3. Iraq- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
4. China- East Asia
5. Saudi Arabia- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
6. Haiti- The Caribbean
7. India- Southern Asia
8. Japan-East Asia
9. Venezuela- Latin America
10. Iran- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
11. Russia-Europe
12. The United Kingdom-Europe
13. Israel- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
14. Germany-Europe
15. Tibet- East Asia
16. Afghanistan- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
17. Brazil- Latin America
18. North Korea- East Asia
19. Egypt-North Africa/ Southwest Asia
20. Kenya- Sub-Saharan Africa
21. Pakistan- South Asia
22. Vietnam- Southeast Asia
23. Mexico- North America
24. Cuba- The Caribbean
The website i used was
2. France- Europe
3. Iraq- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
4. China- East Asia
5. Saudi Arabia- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
6. Haiti- The Caribbean
7. India- Southern Asia
8. Japan-East Asia
9. Venezuela- Latin America
10. Iran- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
11. Russia-Europe
12. The United Kingdom-Europe
13. Israel- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
14. Germany-Europe
15. Tibet- East Asia
16. Afghanistan- North Africa/ Southwest Asia
17. Brazil- Latin America
18. North Korea- East Asia
19. Egypt-North Africa/ Southwest Asia
20. Kenya- Sub-Saharan Africa
21. Pakistan- South Asia
22. Vietnam- Southeast Asia
23. Mexico- North America
24. Cuba- The Caribbean
The website i used was
Classwork 9/8/09 Part 1.
1. North America
2. Latin America
3. The Caribbean
4. Sub-Saharan Africa
5. Southwest Asia and North Africa (The Middle East)
6. Europe
7. The Russian Domain
8. Central Asia
9. East Asia
10. South Asia
11. Southeast Asia
12. Australia and Oceania
2. Latin America
3. The Caribbean
4. Sub-Saharan Africa
5. Southwest Asia and North Africa (The Middle East)
6. Europe
7. The Russian Domain
8. Central Asia
9. East Asia
10. South Asia
11. Southeast Asia
12. Australia and Oceania
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Define globilization. HW
Globilization- The increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural changes.
human geography 9/5/09
In this lesson we learned about globilization and the difference between the lifes of people in different countries. We also learned other things such as the differnece between human geography and physical geography. There were some maps in this section also such as the map of the global drud trade. The definition of globilization is the interconectedness between people and there cultures. This lesson was very interesting because you learned many thing about other peoples cultures and the way they live. So I could therefore compare my lifestyle to a persons lifestyle that lives in a different country. Globilization is a very important thing that connects us all.
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